And thou shalt put some of thine honour upon him— There is nothing for some in the Hebrew. It may be rendered, and thou shalt give unto him of thine honour or glory. Some of the rabbis have supposed, that Moses was here commanded to communicate to Joshua some part of that splendor, or brightness, wherewith his face shone when he returned from the mountain: but the passage is much better understood as importing, Thou shalt communicate some of thy authority to him at present, and make him thy associate in the government. See 1 Chronicles 23:25.Daniel 11:21. Mr. Locke explains it thus, "some of thine honour; i.e. he shall have the honour to receive directions from God by Urim and Thummim, for the conduct of the people. God will do him the honour to speak to him by a third person, when, in cases requiring it, he consults him; but will not do him the honour to talk with him face to face as he did to Moses. See Exodus 9:11."

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