He shall stand before Eleazar the priest— It is the opinion both of Jewish and Christian interpreters, that none but persons of the first dignity were allowed to consult the oracle of God in this manner; so that this privilege speaks Joshua's great pre-eminence above other Israelites: for though he was not to be admitted to so near an intercourse with God as Moses had been, yet he is here assured, that he should never want direction from the Oracle in any doubt, by consulting the high priest, who was to receive the answer in the manner prescribed, Exodus 28:30 to which place we refer for an explanation of the judgment of Urim. When it is said, at his word they shall go out, it means, as Grotius justly explains it, at the word of the LORD, by the judgment of Urim, which word was communicated by the high priest. See Calmet on the place. This passage, however, is to be understood principally of their going out, or not going out to war; upon which occasion chiefly the oracle was consulted. See Judges 1:1; Joshua 20:18. 1 Samuel 14:18; 1 Samuel 28:6. We may observe, that though Joshua was greatly inferior to Moses, in that he generally consulted God by the high priest, whereas Moses had immediate access to God himself, and spake with him face to face, yet God sometimes vouchsafed the same honour to Joshua. See Deuteronomy 34:10. Joshua 3:7; Joshua 1:15; Joshua 5:13.

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