I shall do unto you, as I thought to do unto them— That is to say, I will make you the slaves of those who have been slaves to you, and who shall drive you from your country as you have before driven them. See Judges 8:14; Judges 6:2.

REFLECTIONS.—Strict injunctions are given for the entire destruction of every monument of idolatry, and the utter extirpation of the people. It would be highly dangerous to maintain any friendship with them, or preserve the least relics of their idols, lest they should be ensnared thereby. We are peculiarly to guard against our besetting sin, and stop up every avenue of our heart, at which it might enter. If they were obedient, then their inheritance was secure; if disobedient, they should suffer that expulsion themselves, which they should have inflicted on the inhabitants. Note; (1.) We can be safe only by renouncing all peace with our sins. (2.) If we destroy not them, they will destroy us, body and soul, in hell.

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