Offered for dedicating of the altar— The altar had been before consecrated or set apart for a holy and separate use by solemn ceremonies, which lasted seven days; Exodus 29:37. Leviticus 8:11 so that this dedicating here spoken of, signifies the first application of it to its proper use. Thus, Deuteronomy 20:5 to dedicate a house, signifies to begin to use and enjoy it; which, it seems, was done with certain solemn words and actions. See Selden de Synedriis, lib. 3: cap. 13.

REFLECTIONS.—As the tabernacle was to be subject to frequent removes, the princes of Israel are careful to provide the necessary carriages for it. Though no injunction had been given on this head, it seemed a needful and reasonable thing. God has left in the government of his church many unessential matters to the prudence of the chief men in it, who are to see that all things be done decently and in order. The princes were both able and willing to assist the Levites; and happy days are they, when princes shew such respect to God's ministers, and seek to forward them in their labours. The waggons were distributed according to their burdens. Note; (1.) Where God calls to greater labour, he will supply proportionable strength. (2.) As our present tabernacle of the body is so unsettled here, it becomes us to think seriously and frequently about its removal, that, when the hour comes, we may be prepared and ready.

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