All the oxen for the—peace-offerings were twenty and four— The peace-offerings were for the offerers to feast upon, together with the priests, and as many of their friends as they chose to invite; and therefore they are double the number of the burnt-offerings. Hence Le Clerc justly infers, that all the wilderness could not be quite a desart, but there must have been tolerable pasture in some places of it, since the Israelites had still so many cattle as to be able to supply the offerings here mentioned, as well as for celebrating the passover, chap, Numbers 9:5 which required a very large quantity of lambs and kids.

This was the dedication of the altar Though the altar of burnt-offerings only is here mentioned, there is no doubt, from the great quantity of incense now presented, that the golden altar was also dedicated at this time. Moses makes no mention of the prayers addressed to the Deity at the time of offering; but though sacrifices themselves were in the nature of supplications, it is most probable, that they who offered them accompanied them at the same time with suitable petitions.

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