That ye may approve, &c.— So as to prove things which differ:—"To prove by experience, and know by trial, how incomparably excellent the Christian character is beyond any other; (see 1 Thessalonians 5:21.) that you may be found not only sincere and cordial, but altogether inoffensive through the whole of your Christian course, even until the great day of Christ." The word rendered without offence, is of doubtful signification. Sometimes it implies, "The not giving offence to others;" 1 Corinthians 10:32. But, considering the word sincere with which it is here joined, the Apostle's meaning rather seems to be, "that they might do nothing to offend themselves," to wound or grieve their own consciences, but might have απροσκοπον συνειδησιν, a conscience void of offence. Acts 24:16.

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