To me to live is Christ, &c.— "He is the supreme end of life, and I value it only as it is capable of being referred to the purposes of his honour; and, in consequence of that, to die is gain: for as that temper argues my interest in the friendship of that Redeemer, who is the Lord of the invisible, as well as the visible world, I am well satisfied that he will make ample provision for my happiness, when I quit this transitory life, and surround me with far more important blessings than any which I must then resign. Nor is the utility of my death confined to this; it may be instrumental towards gaining others over to the religion of Christ; so that, in all cases, whether I respect the honour of Christ, or, my own eternal condition, To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." Mr. Pierce would render this, For Christ is gain to me, living or dying.

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