And the peace of God, &c.— This expression is only found here and in Colossians 3:15. In both some understand it of that peaceable temper which God hath commanded; but it seems much more easy and natural to understand it of that peace which we have with God. St. Paul is here arming the Philippians against persecution; nor could anything be a greater support to them under it, than the peace of God thus understood; for the sense of it will make the heaviest afflictions and pressures sit easy upon us. Having peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, we may well rejoice in hope of the glory of God, and glory in tribulations; nor will our hope make us ashamed. It will be so far from it, that it will fill us with boldness and resolution, when the love of God, that is, the sense of his love, which is equivalent to the peace of God,—is shed abroad in our hearts, Romans 5:1. Indeed, a peaceable and quiet temper will be a support and comfort to a man under his troubles, when he considers that he has done nothing to provoke men, and that their fury and wrath against him is without cause. But this is inconsiderable in comparison of the support which we shall have from a sense of God's favour, and his being at peace with us: and the commendation here given of the peace of God, that it passeth all understanding, seems to suit better with this sense than the other. The same is, perhaps, confirmed by that clause, through Christ Jesus; and that, whether it be joined with the peace of God, or with the keeping their hearts and minds. Finally, the connection here may be thought to lead us to this sense. They were, under their troubles, to cast their care upon God, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving; and when they did so, the peace of God that passeth all understanding would keep their minds; that is, by guarding against diffidence and distrust, and committing themselves to, and relying upon the favour of God, they would be secure of his favour; the sense of which would make them easy and happy. See John 14:27. 1 Peter 1:5.

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