A wholesome tongue is a tree of life— A wholesome tongue, or a tongue which heals, or the health of the tongue, is a tree of life, but when it is perverse it breaks the spirit; or, the perversity, the corruption of the tongue, is the death of the spirit. A tongue which instructs, which consoles, which pacifies, in a word, a tongue which brings health to the spirit and the heart, is truly a tree of life. But a corrupted, lying, abusive, perverse tongue brings death to the soul; afflicts, irritates, corrupts. The LXX render it, The health of the tongue is a tree of life, and he that keepeth it shall be filled with the spirit. Schultens and others would render the Hebrew, "The medicine of the tongue is a tree of life; but the offence, or corruption of it, is as an impetuous wind which bursteth through and overturneth all things." See his note, and Calmet.

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