Also, that the soul be, &c.— The Chaldee renders this, He that knoweth not his soul, it is not good for him; he that hasteth with his feet into evil is a sinner. Solomon in this verse, says Bishop Patrick, observes two great springs of all our miscarriages; want of understanding, and want of deliberation. To make too much haste in a business is the way not to succeed; and to run blindly upon any thing is no less prejudicial to us in our undertakings. Both he that effects things without knowledge, and he that pursues what he understands without deliberation, runs into many mistakes, and commits many sins: for which the wise man shews in the next verse they must blame none but themselves; and never reflect upon God, as if he were negligent of them or hard to them; which men are prone to think when they have foolishly undone themselves.

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