Be not amongst wine-bibbers, &c.— See the note on chap. Proverbs 15:17. The wise man almost throughout this whole chapter gives his disciple precepts respecting meals. First, he tells him of the manner in which he ought to conduct himself in eating with princes; he then cautions him to avoid the table of a covetous man; not to give him entertainment, nor to receive any from him. Here he attacks another kind of feasts; namely, where several assembled together, and each paid their quota. Formerly every one brought his own plate; this is the practice still in some countries. The reasons which might have adduced the wise man to forbid his disciples these kinds of assemblies, are, first, the vain expence; secondly, the loss of time; thirdly, the hazard of evil company; fourthly, the dangerous habits of leading a soft and indolent life; and the fear of being accustomed to wine and luxurious living. Calmet. It would be endless to descant upon this subject, upon the mischiefs and evils of intemperance, which Solomon has so finely described at the close of this chapter: it must suffice, therefore, to refer the reader to Scheuchzer on the place, and to Dean Bolton's useful Tracts on intemperance in eating and drinking. I will just remark, that from the 22nd to the 29th verse the subject begun in the present verse is interrupted.

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