Hear, ye children— Solomon here proposes himself as an example of docility; but in such a manner, that he refers all the advantages of his education to the early impressions which he received from his father and his mother under the blessing of Divine wisdom. He makes this appear by all his attachment; tender and respectful as it was, and by his sincere regard to his parents, particularly to his mother, to whose eulogy he has consecrated almost the whole 31st chapter. The principal instructions in the present chapter are these; that parents ought to take the utmost care to instruct their children diligently, and the higher their station the more accurate should their education be. Above all things, the excellence of wisdom, holiness, and virtue, is to be inculcated. See on Proverbs 4:7. Next to this they are to be cautioned against evil company, as the bane of youth; the wretchedness of their life who live wickedly, and the happiness, comfort, and satisfaction, of theirs who live piously and virtuously, are to be represented, Proverbs 4:14. Next they are to be taught how necessary it is to be constant in reading good books, especially the scriptures, Proverbs 4:21 and to have an upright heart, sincerely disposed to follow such directions. Watchfulness also over the senses is commanded, as necessary to preserve the affections from being corrupted.

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