If he be found, he shall restore sevenfold— The law, Exodus 22:1 did not oblige the thief to restore sevenfold, but only five oxen for one, or, in another case, only double: wherefore some commentators think that the word sevenfold, is only used as an indefinite number. "He shall restore the value of that which he has taken, and much more:" others would render it, If he be found out seven times, he shall restore as often, till he give all the substance of his house. But some have thought that the wise man speaks not of that restitution which the law requires, but of that which either the wronged person, being powerful, might force the thief to make, or which the thief would willingly give, rather than be exposed to public shame; as appears by the following clause, wherein he adds to this sevenfold restitution all his substance, which no law of God or man required.

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