They sacrificed their sons, &c.— It is very certain, that the sacrifices of these gods were indeed as cruel as they are here represented. Philastrius observes expressly, says Mr. Selden, that the Jews sacrificed their sons and daughters to devils, in the valley of Hinnom; and Porphry's testimony is a very good one, on this point, especially as he produces it from Sanchoniathon, one of their own historians. "The Phoenicians, in the time of great calamities, such as war, pestilence, or famine, sacrificed some one of their best-beloved friends to Saturn; choosing him by lot; and the Phoenician history, which Sanchoniathon wrote in the Phoenician language, and which Philobiblius translated into Greek, is full of such accounts." See Porph. de Abstin. lib. ii. Selden de Diis Syr. syntag. i. c. 6 and Jeremiah 19:4.

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