The Lord at thy right hand— This is to be understood of the Messiah, instated in his regal power at the right hand of his Father; and not of the Father himself as his helper and defender, as Psalms 16:8 and elsewhere the phrase is understood. The prophet here on a sudden addresses himself to God the Father; and such transitions, as we have frequently observed, are common in the Hebrew poetry. The Lord will strike through, &c. that is break in pieces the greatest powers upon earth, who shall provoke his displeasure, by an obstinate opposal of his authority, and of the establishment of his gospel. It is added, He shall judge among the heathen; demonstrate himself to all the heathen world to be their law-giver and judge. He shall fill the places with the dead bodies, namely, of those powers, whom he shall strike through in the day of his wrath: and he shall wound the heads, the principals or rulers, over or of many countries; i.e. the Roman emperors themselves, who shall then rule over the greatest part of the world. Mudge renders the last clause, He shall crush the head against the earth plentifully. The reader will easily discern that the Psalmist here describes the exercise of Christ's regal and supreme dominion; his conquest over sin and sinners, and over all the opposition of the powers of darkness, in metaphorical expressions taken from earthly conquests. See Revelation 13:7; Revelation 14:8; Revelation 14:20. We would just observe, that there are some expositors who understand the words, the Lord at thy right hand, to be an apostrophe to the church; expressing Christ's care and protection of it, his readiness to assist and defend his own people against all the injuries and assaults of adverse power: as if it had been said, "Be not dismayed nor cast down, O ye subjects of this king, as if, being exalted to God's right hand, he had given over the care and protection of his people. For as he is at the right hand of his Father in glory and majesty, so is he also at your right hand, standing to execute judgment on your enemies, the greatest, the highest, the wisest of them, and to reveal the power of his arm towards you in your protection." See Bishop Reynolds.

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