I will praise thee, &c.— That is, "And now, being entered into the courts of thy tabernacle, O my gracious God, I pay thee my most humble thanks for having so favourably heard the prayers which I put up to thee in my grievous afflictions in Saul's reign, and for having now fully advanced me to the royal dignity." The stone, &c.—that is, "I, whom the great men and rulers of the people rejected, (1 Samuel 26:19.) as the builders of a house do a stone unfit to be employed in it, am now become king over Judah and Israel; and a type of that glorious king, who shall hereafter be in like manner rejected, (Luke 19:14; Luke 20:17.) and then be exalted by God to be Lord of all the world, and the foundation of all men's hopes and happiness." See Acts 4:11. The head stone of the corner, means that which joins the walls, and knits the building together; as David had now joined together the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah under his sole government, and as Christ joined together both Jews and Gentiles. The 22nd verse seems to have been a proverbial saying. The two verses may be read thus, The stone, &c. is made the head of the corner: Psalms 118:23. By the Lord is it so made, and it is marvellous, &c. Mudge renders the latter, This is from the Lord; it was impossible in our eyes. "It was the Lord's doing, they said; in their eyes it was a thing beyond all possibility of belief." This is the force of the original.

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