The great safety of the godly, who put their trust in God's protection.

A Song of Degrees.

Title. המעלות שׁיו Shiir hammangaloth.] This psalm is thought by some to have been written by David, while he was in the field with his army during Absalom's rebellion; but if the psalms of ascent were sung by those who went up to the temple, it is most probable that it begins as with a person just come to Jerusalem, and looking round him in great anxiety towards the mountains about it for divine help. In the second verse he fixes his eye upon the mountain where the temple stood, and expects help from thence: here he is supposed to offer his sacrifice, and pay his devotions to God. While this is doing, some person, in the third verse, wishes he may find the favour and protection of his God. From the fourth onward, the priest, probably seeing the usual sign of favour (Behold), promises him most assuredly the divine protection and blessing.

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