Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact— The verb חבר chaber, denotes the connection or joining of things aptly and closely to each other. Thus it is used of the coupling of the curtains of the tabernacle together, Exodus 36:18. Hence it is used to denote the connection and society of friendship, affection, and purpose, Genesis 14:3.Hosea 4:17. In the place before us, both senses seem to be united. Jerusalem is compact as to its buildings, and the inhabitants of it firmly united by mutual harmony and friendship. Chandler. Mudge renders it: As a city that is placed in the centre of union. Jerusalem, the great seat and centre of religion and justice, was the centre of union to all the tribes; the palace the centre of the city, and the tabernacle of the palace. Blessed and happy is that nation whose prince is the centre of union to his people; and God, or true religion, the common centre and cement both of people and prince. See Delaney's Life of David, book 2: chap. 12.

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