Pray for the peace of Jerusalem— Mr. Schultens hath shewn, that the word rendered peace, signifies pure unmixed prosperity; undisturbed, and free from the corruption of any calamities, See his Origin. vol. 2: p. 63. This psalm is in the title ascribed to David, and it is worthy the pen of so elegant a writer. From the beginning of it, it plainly appears, that when he had placed the ark in its proper habitation, and so far finished his buildings, as that the city was capable of receiving the people who should come up to celebrate their first festival there, he had been informed that they expressed a general desire of ascending to it, and visiting the house of the Lord; a privilege which they were seldom sure of obtaining before. I was glad, &c. Psalms 122:1. When they were actually come up to the city, and had just entered the gate, they are represented as crying out with triumph, in the height of their surprise and joy, when from the gate they beheld the buildings which presented themselves to their view: "Jerusalem is built! 'Tis a city well compact within itself, stately, beautiful, and regular!" The description, as it were, places us under the very gate; and the houses and palaces rise almost conspicuous to our view. What added to their joy, when they beheld the city, was, the presence of the ark in it, the courts of judicature, and the several other circumstances mentioned in the psalm. How natural and affecting also is the sudden change, from admiration into devotion, breathing out ardent prayers for the peace and prosperity of a city which so many considerations united to endear to them, and render them solicitous for its safety. The Psalmist closes the ode with a solemn assurance to his people, whom he stiles his brethren and friends, that for their sakes, and the high reverence which he bare to the house of God, he would himself both pray for the prosperity, and in the whole of his government endeavour to secure the tranquillity and welfare of the city. And indeed this psalm has ever been admired by the best judges, both for the composition and the matter of it. Chandler.

REFLECTIONS.—1st, They who love God, cannot but delight to draw near unto him in the ordinances of his worship.

1. The Psalmist expresses his joy at the invitation given by other gracious souls like his own. I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord, the earthly sanctuary, typical of the church of God; where believers with gladness continue to assemble themselves for public worship, stirring up each other to greater diligence and liveliness in the blessed work. Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem, and find there a happy rest after our travels; but how much more delightful when the faithful shall enter the streets of the new Jerusalem, and find the eternal rest which there remaineth for the people of God!

2. He describes this happy place. Jerusalem is builded as a city, that is compact together; firm the foundation, the houses regularly built, by art and nature strongly defended. Thus is the Church of God built on the rock of age, the members closely united in love, and protected by the arms of Omnipotence: whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, obedient to his commands, and thrice a year appearing before him at the temple, to the testimony of Israel, to the ark, the symbol of the divine presence, to consult his mind and will, and to give thanks unto the name of the Lord, offering their sacrifices and praises before him. For there are set thrones of judgment, the courts of judicature, and the royal residence of Israel's kings, the thrones of the house of David. In the gospel-church, Jesus places his word, and promises his Spirit, as the ark of the testimony, to direct and guide us; there he erects his throne also, reigning as king in the hearts of his people; prescribing the rule of their conduct, and the ordinances of his worship; and with him the thrones of the faithful will shortly be placed; when brought to the heavenly Zion, they shall reign with him in glory everlasting.

2nd, David calls upon every pious Israelite,
1. To pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for the prosperity of all who dwelt therein, and for the nation who resorted thither. Note; (1.) We are bound to pray for our place and nation, for in the peace thereof we shall have peace. (2.) The prosperity and peace of God's church will be the first concern and prayer of all the friends of David's Son.

2. The blessing of such prayers will return on those who offer them. They shall prosper that love thee, their souls shall be refreshed with the graces they beg for others, and they shall spiritually increase with the increase of God.

3. The proper prayers are suggested. Peace be within thy walls, outward peace from enemies, the peace of God which passeth all understanding, and mutual peace and love, which no dispute, discord, or divisions may ever interrupt: Oh when shall it yet be! and prosperity within thy palaces, for it will then go well with the church of God, when they, who by eminence of station are most exalted, abound with gifts and graces, for the government and edification of the body.

4. He resolves that this shall be his own prayer and practice; I will say, Peace be within thee, and not only with heart desire it, but with hand labour for it; I will seek thy good. Note; To pray one way, and act another, is arrant hypocrisy. Two reasons he suggests why he should thus do, [l.] For my brethren and companion's sake; the saints of God, high or low, rich or poor; David counted them as brethren, delighted in their company, and sought their happiness; and so should we. [2.] Because of the house of the lord our God; God's glory was his first pursuit, the enlargement of his church his great desire, and therefore he could not but pray for it, and labour to promote it. The Lord help us to go and do likewise.

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