He brought me forth also into a large place— The Psalmist expresses himself much in the same manner, but with an addition which explains the nature of the phrase, Psalms 31:8. Thou hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy: thou hast set my feet in a large room. David was several times shut up in close confinement in rocks and caverns. In opposition to this, he says, God had brought him into a large place; had set him at liberty, and placed him in such happy circumstances, as that he could live and act with the utmost freedom, without any constraint of his enemies, or danger to his person. It may also be observed, that the eastern writers denote any person's condition in life by his steps or goings. Hence, narrow or straitened steps denote a state of distress and great affliction; and large unconfined steps, the contrary state of prosperity and plenty; so that he praises God for advancing him to great honour and prosperity, by settling him on the throne, and enabling him to conquer all his enemies. See Chandler, and Schultens on Job 18:7.

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