It is God that girdeth me, &c.— The form of speaking here seems to be taken from the military belt which officers wore as the emblem of authority and valour; and the meaning is, that God distinguished him by inspiring him with a superior spirit of courage, and the highest resolution and fortitude in war. He maketh my way perfect, means, he directeth me to those methods which secure my success. A man's way in the pursuit of any end is perfect, when the means that he uses to attain it are proper and direct, and will finally render him successful in it: and thus God made David's way perfect, as he gave him the surest directions how to act, and prospered him in all his measures to support the dignity of his crown and government. Chandler. Green renders it, He maketh my warfare complete: and he endeavours to prove on Psalms 2:12 that the word דרךֶ derek is frequently used in this sense.

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