Therefore shalt thou make them turn their back, &c.— For thou shalt make them as Shechem; i.e. "Thou shalt subdue them, and portion them out, as the two brothers did Shechem heretofore." The expression became a proverb, as in Psalms 60, 108. The word arrows is not in the original, and may elegantly be omitted, as in Psalms 7:12. He hath bent his bow, and fixed it; that is, fixed his arrow upon it.

REFLECTIONS.—1st, David could not experience such wonderous deliverances without deep gratitude; and his people, who prayed for him, were confident that God's salvation was the very joy of his heart; and therefore in his behalf they offer to God their sacrifice of praise for prayers granted; for blessings which prevented even desire; for dignity so eminent, to which he was advanced; for length of days in the midst of danger; and an abiding throne, though so often shaken; for great glory, honour, and majesty, bestowed from on high; for the promise of future blessings, and the experience of present exceeding great consolations.

But more peculiarly applicable are these words to the King of Glory, who, in his work of man's redemption, was supported by the divine strength to go through the arduous task, and in the prospect of the salvation of the faithful, rejoiced with exceeding great joy in the midst of all his sufferings. To him every request was granted, whether for grace or glory, in behalf of the faithful. In him God's preventing blessings were wonderfully manifested to the sons of men, without desert, yea, without desire. A crown of glory is the reward of his sufferings, and worthy is he to be thus exalted; death, Satan, and sin, being all subdued by him; and angels, principalities, and powers, put under him. The life which for a moment he laid down is restored for ever; Christ, being raised from the dead, dieth no more, and, because he lives, we shall live also. Unutterable is the glory and majesty that he has received, the government of all things in heaven and earth being committed to him. Thou hast made him most blessed for ever, or, as the Margin of our English Bibles read it, thou hast set him to be blessings for ever, to communicate eternal blessings to his faithful people, and be himself the author, procurer, and bestower of them; and, in consequence of all these things, the spirit of gladness rests upon him; and in the high approbation of God his Father, in his mediatorial work, is his everlasting delight. Note; Every faithful believer in Jesus is a king, and shall share his triumphs; be supported by the same strength; find the same gracious answers to his prayers; experience God's preventing blessings; receive at last the crown of glory; and reign with his exalted head, happy, eternally and unutterably happy in the light of God's countenance.

2nd, Praise for past mercies encourages confidence of present and future blessings; the priest and the people therefore express their trust, that no enemies should ever shake the stability of David's throne; but that vengeance from God should pursue and overtake them to the uttermost; and, when this divine interposition shall appear, they promise to renew their grateful songs of praise. But we must look farther than David's throne, and the subduing of his enemies, to the more enduring dominion of David's Son and Lord.
1. His enemies must finally and eternally fall before him: wicked men, and wicked devils, who have hated his government, shall not escape his arm. Their mischievous devices shall not only be disappointed, whether against himself or his people, but their malice be visited in judgments terrible as just: wrath to the uttermost shall overtake them, and the furnace of hell be heated for their reception; while sharp arrows within shall pierce the conscience, and waken up the worm which never dies. Sinner, mark the end of the enemies of Christ and his kingdom; consider thy ways, and be wise.
2. The whole is ascribed to the Lord's power; it is he who must and will exalt his own glory in the salvation of the faithful, and in the destruction of his enemies; and all our work and business will be, everlastingly to sing and praise him for his complete redemption.

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