Let mount Zion rejoice, &c.— Dr. Delaney thinks that these verses allude to the great improvements made at Jerusalem, the temple on mount Moriah, Millo, the house of the forest of Lebanon, the palace of Pharaoh's daughter, and that of Solomon, &c. See b. ii. c. 8. Green renders Psalms 48:11, When the daughter of Sion heard, she rejoiced; the daughters of Judah were transported with joy because of thy judgments. Mudge thinks that the three first verses of this psalm were insultingly thrown out upon the kings who had come up against Jerusalem, and had gone round her to reconnoitre her strength, in order to take her, but were now fled away; calling upon them to return and go round her again, and see how entire her fortifications were; and bidding them tell the next generation, that it would be in vain to attempt any thing against her, while she had Jehovah for her protector. "Tell the next generation that this God is our God; He will be our guide for ever and ever:" For Bishop Hare seems to have proved, beyond doubt, that מות על al mut, rendered unto death, should be rendered one word, and make part of the title of the following psalm, being the same word which is rendered alamoth in the title of Psalms 46. Fenwick, however, thinks that there is no need of any correction, the sacred writer meaning, "God will lead us as conquerors, and enable us to triumph over death."

REFLECTIONS.—1st, The work of heaven will be everlasting praise; it is good to antedate the joy.

1. Great is the Lord, who in his mediatorial glory is so highly exalted, and greatly to be praised for all his wonderous works of power, grace, and love, manifested in all ages to his faithful people: and this his glory is to be set forth,

2. In the city of our God, in Jerusalem, the mountain of his holiness, in Zion, where, in his temple, his sacred presence dwelt between the cherubims: Beautiful for situation, eminent to view, and the country around it like the garden of Eden: the joy of the whole earth is mount Zion, being the favoured residence of the God of the whole earth, on the sides of the north, turned from the sultry beam of day, the city of the great King, where most eminently he fixes his throne, and manifests his glory. God is known in her palaces for a refuge, having protected it from every foe; and all who come to worship there find safety under his wings. Thus glorious was the earthly Jerusalem, but how much in glory does the spiritual Zion exceed her. In his church the great Redeemer is pleased to dwell now; bright in holiness she shines, and filled with inhabitants as a city: In beauty excellent, watered with the streams of grace, which flow from the fountain of blessedness, adorned with living palaces, the residence of the eternal Spirit: here a sure refuge is found in the arms of Jesus from guilt and sin, known by the word of his gospel, and proved by the experience of every faithful soul.

3. All attempts of foes to hurt are fruitless, where God is thus known and praised. This Jerusalem had experienced. The assembled kings passed by, they saw Almighty Power engaged to protect her, and with astonishment fled; a panic fear seized them, they were dashed in pieces by the stormy wind: and such will be the issue of the war against the church of God carried on by the antichristian foes, Revelation 19:19. They will fall before the power of Jesus, be overthrown with perpetual desolations, and sink as a stone in the mighty waters of God's wrath, and never rise up again.

2nd, We have the church of God declaring by experience the truth of what the Psalmist had asserted. As we have heard, either in former ages when God vouchsafed such mighty aid, or in the word of promise, so have we seen the accomplishment of the promise, and the like protection, in the city of the Lord of hosts, in the city of our God; Jerusalem bore testimony to God's faithfulness and care then, and in like manner may the people of God in every age increase the number of witnesses. God will establish it for ever; the gates of hell shall never prevail over the faithful children of God; but finally they shall triumph over all their enemies. We have thought of thy loving kindness, O God, from whence all his rich mercy springs, or waited for it, when dangers seemed to threaten, in the midst of thy temple, thy church, where in prayer we called upon thee, and with praises celebrated thy faithfulness. According to thy name, thy boundless perfections, so is thy praise unto the ends of the earth, whither the glorious gospel has carried the discovery of that blessed name, the Lord our Redeemer and Saviour. Thy right hand is full of righteousness, every decision of his is equitable; and especially what seems here intended, the doom reserved for the opposers of God's truth and kingdom is altogether righteous. And herein let mount Zion rejoice, let the daughters of Judah be glad; all true believers, because of thy judgments, which shall be executed on the powers of Antichrist in the great day of retribution. And in the mean time, walk about Zion, and go round about her: tell the towers thereof. Jerusalem was regarded as an impregnable fortress; but stronger towers of angelic guards keep safe the spiritual Zion. Mark well her bulwarks, built on Christ, the rock of ages, defended by the arm of Omnipotence; consider her palaces, such as are the prophets, apostles, confessors, and faithful in every age, that ye may tell it to the generation following, for the support of their faith and hope in every exigence. For this God is our God for ever and ever, the same powerful protector, the same gracious and loving Saviour to all who trust in him. He will be our guide, the guide of the faithful, safely to preserve them from all the dangers of life; in death, to keep them from all fear or failing; and after death, to bring them to the eternal enjoyment of his blessed self. May we prove him such by happy experience!

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