But unto the wicked God saith— The prophet now proceeds, as from the mouth of God, to foretel the destruction of the impenitent Jews; who, having received the law of God, and entered into covenant with him, yet would not be reformed by the preaching of Christ, who came to fulfil the law, and to make a new covenant with them. What hast thou to do? &c. was the reproach with which our Saviour upbraided the Jews of his time, who had continually the law of Moses in their mouths, while they were entirely ignorant of the true spirit and the design of it. See John 5:45; John 5:47. Psalms 50:17 may well be applied to the Pharisees and masters of the synagogue, the secret motives of whose hatred against Christ were, his sharp reproofs of their hypocrisy and other crimes. See Matthew 23:13; Matthew 23:39.

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