Now consider this— Here God must be supposed to have delivered up the wicked man to punishment irreversible; and upon that, to speak these two verses. Upon this supposition, lest I tear, &c. comes in very pertinently. See Hosea 13:7. The last verse sums up what had been the two principal points of charge, "I look upon him only as the man who truly honours me, who offers before me a grateful heart; and none but the man who sets himself to order his life aright, shall ever find protection and blessing from God." See Mudge.

REFLECTIONS.—The matter of this psalm is deeply solemn and weighty.

1. The Psalmist begins with an address, awakening the attention of heaven and earth, from that great God, who, in the glory of uncreated majesty, ascends his radiant throne. The earth, from the rising to the setting sun, is commanded to hearken, while out of Zion, the church of God on earth, or from the heavenly hill of glory, the Lord Jesus Christ, the El, Elohim, Jehovah, the Almighty God, shines forth in his gospel to enlighten the earth; or from his judgment-seat sends out his light and truth that he may weigh the actions of men in his balances, and execute righteous judgment. Terrible shall be the day of his coming, as when of old in thick clouds and darkness he descended on Sinai's hoary top, and more awful his voice than those mighty thunderings and words of terror, at which Moses so exceedingly troubled. In such tremendous majesty he appeared, when, after his slighted gospel, swift vengeance seized on the Jewish people; and we wait for the last most awful manifestation of his glory, when the assembled world of men and angels shall stand before his dread tribunal.
2. He commands his saints, the faithful who are or will be saved by grace, to be collected and separated for himself, either by the ministers of the churches; or by his angels on the resurrection-day, who shall gather the righteous from among the wicked: and these faithful ones are described as having made a covenant with him by sacrifice, or on sacrifice; that is to say, have laid hold on the covenant of grace established in the Redeemer, and, feeding on the memorials of his sacrifice, have solemnly given up themselves to him, as bought with his blood. Note; All our hopes in eternity depend on the great sacrifice that our Redeemer offered in our behalf.

3. His righteousness shall be applauded; the heavens and all their hosts will proclaim it, and praise him for it; for God is judge himself, and therefore all his decisions must be guided by unerring justice. His saints shall be acquitted with honour; and the sinner with righteous judgment shall be condemned.

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