Before your pots can feel the thorns— Sooner than the bramble can heat your pots, let God's wrath, like a stormy wind, sweep them away. See Bishop Hare and Green. The author of the Observations remarks, that among the Arabs, the fire of thorns, furze, and things of that kind, is commonly used for any thing which requires quick heating; and, as it is short-lived, so it is remarkably violent. See p. 141 and Ecclesiastes 7:6. According to Grotius, the Hebrew may be rendered, Before your pots can perceive or feel the thorns; (i.e. a fire made of thorns, which burns with great fury, and soon gives heat to any thing;) so likewise shall the anger of God snatch you away, as it were in a whirlwind. The intention of the Psalmist is, to express both the quick and terrible destruction of the wicked. They were to be taken away suddenly, or rapidly, before the pots could feel the soon-kindling and vehement fire of thorns. They were to be taken off by some terrible catastrophe, like the furious burning of thorns, to which the wrath of God is frequently compared. See Ezekiel 2:6.

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