Thy congregation hath dwelt therein— There is no small difficulty in these words. The following appears to be the most natural sense of them. In the former verse the Psalmist tells us, that God had confirmed, refreshed, and revived his inheritance, by the plentiful, and, as it were, voluntary showers of bread and flesh which he rained down upon them. In these words, I apprehend, he speaks of the manner, as well as abundance, of the food he gave them; חיתךֶ chaiiatheka, thy food;—"the food which thou gavest them, they dwelt in the midst of it." Thus the history informs us. As to the manna, it is said, In the morning the dew lay round about the host, and when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness there lay a small round thing; and they said, It is manna: Exodus 13:15. And as to the quails, the historian observes, that they were let fall by the camp, about a day's journey on the one side, and a day's journey on the other, round about the camp. Numbers 11:31. This was literally dwelling in the midst of the food which God provided for them. Others render the word by flocks or cattle. Mudge renders this and the 9th verse thus: Thou keepest suspended over it a shower of blessings, O God; and when it was weary, thyself hadst prepared thy inheritance. Thy flocks were settled in it; thou providest with thy riches for the poor.

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