The Lord gave the word— Having celebrated the power and goodness of God, which fed them in the wilderness, he now proceeds to speak of the great deliverances that he wrought out for them from their enemies, with respect to whom the Lord gave the word. The Israelites engaged them by his order, (see Numbers 25:17; Numbers 21:34.) and under his conduct and blessing obtained the victory over them. The next clause should be rendered, Large was the number of the women who published the glad tidings; meaning those women who, with music, songs, &c. celebrated the victories of the Israelites over their enemies, according to the customs of those times, Exodus 15:20. 1 Samuel 18:6. So also in this march, between the vocal and instrumental performers, were the damsels playing on the timbrels. The good tidings are those contained in the two next verses.

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