The singers went before— This verse and the following give some description of the procession. The singers went before; for David had ordered the chief of the Levites to appoint their brethren for singers, by lifting up the voice with joy; 1 Chronicles 15:16. After these came the players on instruments, lutes, and harps, which are played on by the fingers; and between both these, virgins playing on timbrels, and with their voices celebrating the praises of God. The next verse contains what they sang on this occasion, in concert with the band of music. We find it was customary, among the Gentiles themselves in their solemn processions, and before, and after, and during their libations and sacrifices, to sing hymns in praise of their respective deities: and when they celebrated the supposed advent of their gods, at particular times, and in particular favourite places, it was with the greatest demonstrations of joy, with dancing, music, and songs; and in these things consisted one great part of their religious worship. See Callimachus's Hymn to Apollo, Psalms 68:11 in the translation, and the Hymn to Ceres at the beginning; Horace, and Catullus's Secular Odes; and Exodus 15:1.

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