David praying for Solomon, sheweth the goodness and glory of his kingdom in type, and in truth of Christ's kingdom: he blesseth God.

A Psalm for Solomon.

Title. לשׁלמה lishlomoh, For Solomon This psalm was composed by David when he placed Solomon on the throne, and caused his subjects to acknowledge him as their sovereign, 1 Chronicles 29:24. The sight of this raised the spirits of the good old king, and he indited this poem upon the occasion; when the Spirit of God directed him to use some expressions in it, which are properly applicable to the Messiah only, of whom Solomon was a type. Many of the Jewish rabbies themselves interpret these expressions of the Messiah.

Psalms 72:1. Give the king thy judgments, &c.— I do not apprehend, says Dr. Chandler, with the generality of interpreters, that by the king, and the king's son, David means himself and his son; but Solomon only, to whom both the titles agree. As he was David's son, and anointed by him king during his life-time; and as the first part of the psalm is precatory, the verbs in general should be rendered in that form throughout, except where the sense and connection require a different translation.

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