The Psalmist, from an experience of former mercies, prayeth for the continuance thereof: he promiseth to wait thereon, out of confidence of God's goodness.

To the chief musician, A Psalm for the sons of Korah.

Title. מזמור קרח לבני למנצח lamnaeach libnei korach mizmor. This psalm is a thankful acknowledgment of God's mercy in turning their captivity, and an humble prayer for the confirming, continuing, and perfecting this mercy. It has some degree of application to David's return to Jerusalem after his flight from Absalom; but much more to the days of Ezra and Nehemiah, after the captivity. After having in the first three verses acknowledged the goodness of God, in bringing them back to their own land; from the fourth onward, the author prays God to restore them again to their ancient prosperity. In the eighth he hears God's promise to do it; upon which, in the four last verses he bursts forth into an exultation at the prospect.

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