As well the singers, &c.— The literal version of the Hebrew is, They shall sing like those who lead up the dance: all my springs are in thee: i.e. "They shall sing very joyfully, and the burden of the song they should sing in praise of Sion should be this; All my springs or fountains are in thee; All my kindred shall sing and rejoice in thy safety," as Jarchi explains it. And I would observe, that the original word מעיני mangianai, which we render springs, is used in a figurative sense to denote any one's posterity. Thus Proverbs 5:16. Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad; i.e. "Thy posterity be exceeding numerous:" and thus in the place before us, the inhabitants of Jerusalem should triumph and sing, "All my springs or fountains; all my friends, my family, my children, are in thee; are thy citizens, and enjoy the glorious privileges thou art favoured with." Thus there is a harmony and connection between all the parts of this ode, which I think is very intelligible, and is very poetical.

REFLECTIONS.—The Psalmist begins, as if he had been musing on the glories of God's Zion, and then instantly bursts forth in describing them.

1. His foundation is in the holy mountains; the Lord hath laid the foundations of his church on Christ, the rock of ages; it is supported by his promises, and stands firm in the beauty of holiness.

2. He delights in the work of his own hands. The Lord loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob; though all are dear to him, yet not alike dear; in Zion he hath chosen to fix his peculiar abode. Note; God is present in every family of his worshipping people, and accepts their service; but his especial delight is in the great congregation, where all his people appear together before him.

3. Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Jerusalem was a beautiful place, the joy of the whole earth, adorned with stately palaces, and most adorned with God's magnificent temple; but even this has no glory in comparison with that church of the faithful and glorified Redeemer (which so far excelleth,) the spouse of Christ, the purchase of his blood; where all are kings and priests unto God: the walls salvation, the gates praise; the building eternal; and which duration, so far from ruining, must improve.

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