I am as a man that hath no strength— I am become as a man that hath no substance: [A mere shadow without solidity.] Psalms 88:5. Set loose among the dead: [Set at liberty, as it were, from under the hand, the government of God:] Like the slain that are laid in the sepulchre, whom thou rememberest no more; for they are cut off from under thy hand. The meaning is, that he was removed from all the affairs and conversation of men, as much as if he were really dead. Thus in 2 Chronicles 26:21 it is said of Uzziah the leper, that he dwelt in a several house; or, according to the original, in a house of freedom; for he was cut off from the house of the Lord: The meaning of which is, that, after the manner of lepers, he was excluded from the temple, and dwelt in some separate place without Jerusalem, which was therefore called the house of freedom, because such as were there were exempt from the common affairs of the world: and in like manner they who are as it were dead, and laid in their graves, i.e. overwhelmed and buried in affliction, are here said to be free.

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