Thou hast made void the covenant, &c.— We may piously say, that it is not in God's power to break any promise he hath made, or for his word to fail in performing any good to mankind, which we have any warrant to expect from him: but we may lawfully believe, that it is in our own power to render all those promises ineffectual to us, and to drive those blessings from us, which he is willing to confer upon us. Let his gracious purposes be never so much declared on our behalf, it always supposes that we shall be willing to receive, as well as he to give; and that we will demean ourselves in such a manner, that neither his justice nor his honour shall suffer in his bounty towards us: but if we behave ourselves so wickedly, that his honour cannot subsist without our exemplary punishment, and we yet contemn with obstinacy and perverseness that chastisement which he inflicts, and raise the account of our iniquities higher than it was before he afflicted us; it is we who violate his promises, and not He; and we have sturdily resisted his good inclinations, and not suffered him to be propitious to us; and then he will wipe us out of his memory, and deface all those records which put him in mind of us, and of his gracious resolutions towards us. And if God hath cast off his own chosen people, and withdrawn his loving-kindness from them; if all the promises he made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and which he renewed and enlarged so solemnly to David, be cancelled, which we are not bound to believe, and may charitably and scripturally hope the contrary; I hope we may warrantably presume that this change in their fate, and their being left an outcast nation, scattered over the face of the earth, hath proceeded from that cause, that they drove God from them before they were themselves driven from their country, and because they have not yet a mind to return to him.

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