Thy testimonies are very sure— Here, as in Psalms 19 the laws of nature and God's word are considered as laws of the same hand, and having the same promises; עדתיךֶ eidotheka, comprehends both. He adds, Holiness becometh thine house: i.e. "Thou canst as soon renounce thy holiness, as thy faithfulness in performing thy promises. It is the ornament and glory of thy house for ever."

REFLECTIONS.—The sovereign dominion, the glorious and eternal kingdom of Jesus, Jehovah, God over all, blessed for ever, is a subject of pleasing meditation to the believing soul.

1. He reigns in majesty and power. The Lord reigneth; all power in heaven and earth is given to the Lord Christ; his kingdom of grace is set up in the hearts of his believing people, and his throne in glory is prepared, where he shall reign over his faithful ones for ever and ever; he is clothed with majesty; compared with which, all the glory of earthly monarchs vanishes as the light of the glow-worm before the meridian sun; the Lord is clothed with strength wherewith he hath girded himself, needing no support but from his own almighty arm, doing whatsoever pleaseth him among the hosts of heaven and the inhabitants of the earth, and able to bear down all opposition which can be raised against his kingdom and people in an instant: the world also is established, that it cannot be moved; he upholdeth all things which he created, and especially his church and faithful people. Note; The more we look to the Lord Jesus Christ, clothed with majesty and power, the less shall we fear worms of the earth.

2. He reigns from everlasting to everlasting. Of old, even from eternity, his throne is established: thou art from everlasting, the eternal God, and therefore the everlasting King; of whose government there will be no end.

3. He reigns unmoved by all the opposition of his enemies. Though angels in heaven dared to rebel, and men and devils join on earth to destroy his kingdom, and, like roaring waves of the sea, lift up themselves to overwhelm his people, their rage is impotent and vain. The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters; and as of old he cast from their shining thrones the angels which sinned, so will he destroy all the principalities and powers of earth leagued against his people, will silence their tumult, and keep his faithful ones in perfect peace, whose minds are stayed on him. Note; In all our frights and fears, if we look up with an eye of faith, our tempestuous souls will soon be calmed, and Jesus will say to every storm, "Peace, be still."

4. He reigns in righteousness. Thy testimonies are very sure; all his promises inviolably faithful, and we may confidently trust him for support and salvation; only let it be our care to walk agreeable to our glorious hope, since, holiness becometh thine house, O Lord, for ever. This is the great ornament of the church of Christ on earth; and while every faithful member of Jesus seeks to grow in grace below, it is his joy and happiness, that a never-fading crown and the full enjoyment of God for ever form the glorious prospect before him.

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