Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible
Revelation 12:13-17
And when the dragon saw, &c.— When the dragon was thus deposed from the imperial throne, and cast unto the earth, he still continued to persecute the church with equal malice, though not with equal power. He made several attempts to restore the pagan idolatry in the reign of Constantine, and afterwards in the reign of Julian; he traduced and abused the Christian religion, by such writers as Hierocles, Libanius, and others of the same stamp and character; he rent and troubled the church with heretics and schisms; he stirred up the favourers of the Arians, to persecute and destroy the orthodox Christians. But the church was still under the protection of the empire, (Revelation 12:14) and to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle;—as God said to the children of Israel, "Ye have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagle's wings," &c. Exodus 19:4 so the church was supported and carried, as it were, upon an eagle's wings. But the similitude is the more proper in this case; an eagle being the Roman ensign, and the two wings alluding probably to the division that was then made of the eastern and western empire. In this manner was the church protected, and these wings were given, that she might fly into the wilderness,—into a place of retirement and security, from the face of the serpent;—not that she fled into the wilderness at this time, but several years afterwards;—and there she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time; that is, three prophetic years and a half; which is the same period with the thousand two hundred and threescore days or years before mentioned, Revelation 12:6. So long the church is to remain in a desolate and afflicted state, during the reign of antichrist; as Elijah, while idolatry prevailed in Israel, was secretly fed and nourished three years and six months in the wilderness; 1 Kings 17; 1 Kings 18 Kings 18. Luke 4:25. But before the woman fled into the wilderness, the serpent cast out of his mouth water, &c. Revelation 12:15 with intent to drown, or wash her away. Waters, in the style of the Apocalypse, ch. Revelation 17:15 signify people and nations; so that here was a great inundation of various nations, excited by the dragon, or the friends and patrons of the old idolatry, to oppress and overwhelm the Christian religion. Such appeared plainly to have been the design of the dragon, when Stilicho invited the barbarous Heathen nations, the Goths, Alans, Suevi, and Vandals, to invade the Roman empire, hoping to raise his son Eucherius to the throne; who, from a boy, was an enemy to the Christians, and threatened to signalize the beginning of his reign with the restoration of the Pagan, and the abolition of the Christian religion. Nothing indeed was more likely to produce the ruin and utter subversion of the Christian church, than the irruptions of so many barbarous Heathen nations into the Roman empire. But the event proved contrary to human appearance and expectation; the earth swallowed up the flood; (Revelation 12:16.) the barbarians were rather swallowed up by the Romans, than the Romans by the barbarians; the Heathen conquerors, instead of imposing their own, submitted to the religion of the conquered Christians; and they not only embraced the religion, but affected even the laws, the manners, the customs, the language, and the very name of Romans. This course not succeeding according to probable expectation, the dragon did not therefore desist from his purpose, (Revelation 12:17.) but only took another method of persecuting the true sons of the church, as we shall see in the next chapter. It is said, that he went to make war with the remnant of her seed, who keep the commandments, &c. which implies that at this time there was only a remnant; that corruptions were greatly increased, and "the faithful were minished from among the children of men."
Inferences and REFLECTIONS.—Whatever concealed and unknown wonders may be intimated in some parts of this grand and aweful vision, in others it contains very obvious and important instructions.—While we are beholding this emblematical representation of the Christian church, let us adore the great original Sun of righteousness, who has decked her with his glorious beams, and will at length cause every faithful member of this blessed society, to shine forth as the Sun in his Father's kingdom. And let us be desirous of treading this changeable and uncertain world under our feet. Let us thankfully own the hand which has crowned the church with the apostles, as with a diadem; and, taught by their precepts, and inspired by their example, let us prepare ourselves for that sacred war, to which we are called, the war against the devil and his confederate hosts. It is, indeed, under a very formidable type that he is here represented:—his cruelty, his subtilty, his experience in all the arts of destruction, are painted out with dreadful propriety, in the old serpent, the great dragon; but, formidable as his violence, or artful and potent as the confederacy of infernal spirits may be, here is a victory gained over him, which calls for the congratulation of all the armies of the Lord: the dragon and his angels are cast out; the saints are enabled to triumph over him, feeble and impotent as they are. But, in what way are they able to overcome him? It is by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony. Instructive and edifying admonition! Let this be our confidence, even the banner of the cross, the blood of the Saviour, who died upon it; and, in this signal, we shall come off conquerors too; faith in him shall be our shield; the word of God shall be our sword, the sword of the Spirit; and Satan, thus resisted, shall flee before us, (James 4:7.): thus, vain will be the floods of temptation, which he may attempt to throw out of his mouth, to debauch our principles, or practices; they shall be entirely swallowed up. And though the church be for a while in the wilderness, it shall be happily sheltered, and tenderly nourished, even all the faithful saints of God, till the time which he has appointed for its triumph. In the mean while, however the sons of malice, under the instruction and influence of the great accuser of the brethren, may defame them: however persecution may attack and harass them; let them be courageous and undaunted, not loving their lives even to the death, in the cause of Christ; for then they shall rise again to certain victory and glory; nor shall death bring down their heads so low, as to render them unworthy of wearing a crown of life.