The forth angel poured out his vial upon the sun, &c.— As the fourth trumpet affected the sun, ch. Revelation 8:12. so likewise the fourth vial is poured out upon the sun. An intense heat ensues, &c. Revelation 16:9. Whether by this intense heat of the sun, is meant literally uncommon sultry seasons; or figuratively, a most tyrannical exercise of arbitrary power, by those who may be called the sun in the firmament of the beast—the Pope, or emperor—time must discover. Men shall be tormented, and complain grievously; they shall, like the rebellious Jews, fret themselves,&c. Isaiah 8:21. They will not have the sense or courage to repent, and forsake their idolatry and wickedness, though sufficient grace is offered to them. When the events shall take place, and these things shall all be fulfilled, not only these prophesies ofthe vials shall be better understood, but also those of the trumpets, to which they bear some analogy and resemblance. See as above.

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