Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible
Revelation 18:21-24
A mighty angel took up a stone, &c.— Farther to confirm the sudden fall and irrecoverable destruction of Rome, an emblem is given, similar to that in Jeremiah 51:63. A mighty angel casteth a milstone into the sea, Revelation 18:21 declaring, that with the same violence this great city shall be cast down, and shall never rise again. Her utter desolation is farther described, Revelation 18:22 in phrases similar to those of the ancient prophets (Isaiah 24:8. Jeremiah 7:34; Jeremiah 16:9; Jeremiah 25:10. Ezekiel 26:13.). There shall be no more musicians for the entertainment of the rich and great; no more tradesmen or artificers, to furnish the conveniences of life; no more servants or slaves, to grind the mill, or to supply the necessaries of life: nay, there shall be no more lights, no more bridal songs; the city shall never be peopled again by new marriages, but shall remain depopulated for ever. For which utter desolation, there are assigned these reasons, (Revelation 18:23.)—her pride and luxury; her superstition and idolatry; her tyranny and cruelty. Her punishment shall be as severe and exemplary as if she had been guilty of all the persecutions that ever were upon the account of religion; for by her conduct she had approved, imitated, and surpassed them all. But Rome has never yet been depopulated and desolated in this manner: she was taken indeed and plundered by Alaric king of the Visigoths in the year 410, by Genseric king of the Vandals in the year 455, by Totilas king of the Ostrogoths in the year 546, and by others since: but yet she is still standing and flourishing, and is honoured by many nations as the metropolis of the Christian world; she still resounds with singers and musicians; she still excels in arts which serve to pomp and luxury; she still abounds with candles and lamps, and torches, burning even by day as well as night; and consequently this prophesy has not yet been, but remains yet to be fulfilled. Before we conclude our comment on this chapter, we cannot but take notice of the remarkable force and beauty of the words rendered, Thus with violence shall, &c. be thrown down, Revelation 18:21. The original signifies literally, shall be hurled away with violence; intimating, that if it fell by its own weight, its fall would not be rapid enough.
Inferences and REFLECTIONS.—From the particular detail which is here given us, of the various commodities in which Babylon traded with its merchants, we may surely take an incidental occasion to reflect upon the rich bounty of divine Providence to the children of men, in giving them such a variety of good things, which tend not only to their necessary support, but their ornament and delight. To whatever pernicious purposes vanity and luxury may abuse the silver and the gold, the gems and the pearls, the fine linen, and silk, the purple and scarlet, the ivory and marble, the cinnamon and the myrrh, as well as the more important blessings of wheat and oil, of kine, and sheep, and horses, all are the gifts of God; and, if wisely and properly used, may justly excite our thankfulness to him; and it is on ourselves, and not on him, that we are to charge it, if what should have been for our welfare, becomes a trap, and our treasures be turned into idols. Nor is the wise disposition of Providence to be disregarded, in causing many of these things to be the peculiar producers of different countries, denying to some what he has given to the rest, that so traffic and commerce may be encouraged, and, by its society and intercourse extended among different nations, and provision made for that spread of divine knowledge, which had, in many instances, been almost impossible, if human industry, quickened by necessity, and the prospect of gain, had not invented those arts of navigation, to which Great Britain, above all other nations, is so much indebted, and without which, indeed, our beautiful and fruitful island had been a desert, inaccessible to men.
But, though this oblique reflection may profitably be made, the great object to which we are directed by this chapter, is the certain and final ruin of Babylon, which, how highly soever exalted, how superbly soever adorned, how luxuriously soever regaled, shall fall, shall fall as a milstone cast into the sea. Strong is the Lord God who judgeth her; and it is impossible she can withstand the force of his omnipotent arm. Long has she, in a metaphorical sense, been the hold of every foul spirit, and the cage of every unclean and hateful bird; and God will make her so in another, even in a literal sense, when he shall appear to remember and punish those iniquities, which have reached unto heaven; among which, various and detestable as they have been, shedding the blood of the prophets and the saints must be reckoned as most enormous. Let no triumph of the antichristian powers, for the present, shake our faith in these most certain and indubitable prophesies; and let that charge never be forgotten, "Come forth from her, O my people, and be separate." Blessed be God, that a separation has been begun, that it has been so long supported, and that so many attempts to bring back God's Israel into captivity have been defeated. May the boundaries of the Reformation be extended! may the purity of the reformed churches be more and more advanced, and all remainders of superstition, persecution, and imposition, be taken away. And, to conclude all, let those who are now living deliciously, and glorifying themselves in the forgetfulness of God, abusing the various gifts of his bounty to his dishonour, and saying in their hearts, that they shall see no sorrow, remember how suddenly their state may be changed; how quickly they may sink into the depths of misery, proportionable to the height of their abused prosperity; and experience a torment and sorrow, which will be doubly bitter in the remembrance of their former condition. Let such, therefore, in whatever rank of life they are, according to the words of Daniel to the most illustrious king of Babylon, (Daniel 4:27.) Break off their sins by righteousness, and their iniquities by shewing mercy to the poor, if it may be a lengthening out of their tranquillity; and give glory to God, before all their cheerful light be exchanged for darkness, and all the harmony of their music for weeping and wailing, groaning and lamentation for ever.