_Anno Domini 96._... [ Continue Reading ]
_REVELATION 2:1_.— The second and third Chapter s contain the seven
epistles to the seven churches of Asia; which are particularly
addressed, because, as is commonly believed, they were under St.
John's immediate inspection. He constituted bishops over them. He
resided much at Ephesus, which is ther... [ Continue Reading ]
I KNOW THY WORKS, &C.— Our Saviour having begun with telling the
angel, that _He holds the seven stars in his right hand,_ (that is,
"directs the angels or bishops of the seven churches,") and that _He
walks in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, or lamp-sconces;_
that is, views, considers,... [ Continue Reading ]
AND HAST BORNE,— "And I know thou hast sustained, with exemplary
fortitude, the trouble they have given thee; and hast exercised
invincible patience under all thy sufferings and trials in my cause;
and thou hast laboured constantly and tenaciously for my name's sake,
and to establish the faith of my... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU HAST LEFT THY FIRST LOVE.— Not quite forsaken, but remitted and
relaxed the former love and zeal; which is condemned, and for which
they are dreadfully threatened; because the angel and his church,
notwithstanding their zeal against the false apostles, by giving way
to them at last, or from oth... [ Continue Reading ]
is addressed to the church of Ephesus, though much better than some
other churches, it is reasonable to believe, that, like other
denunciations, it was also intended to awaken the rest. It intimates
how terrible a thing it would be t... [ Continue Reading ]
THE DEEDS OF THE NICOLAITANS,— Some have thought that these heretics
derive their name from _Nicolas,_ one of the seven deacons; but that
name was so common among the Jews, that no stress can be laid on an
argument drawn from thence. The substance of what ancient writers say
concerning them is, that... [ Continue Reading ]
HE THAT HATH AN EAR, &C.— See on Matthew 11:15. By _him that
overcometh,_ is here meant, him who lives in the spirit of holiness,
who, through grace, conquers everyevil temper, and publicly confesses
the name of Jesus Christbefore his enemies to the end, and even unto
martyrdom, if called thereunto.... [ Continue Reading ]
UNTO THE ANGEL OF THE CHURCH IN SMYRNA— Smyrna was the nearest city
to Ephesus, and for that reason probably was addressed in the second
place. The town now remaining is situated on lower ground than the
ancient city, and lies about 45 miles north of Ephesus. It is calledby
the Turks _Esmir,_ and is... [ Continue Reading ]
AND POVERTY (_BUT THOU ART RICH_)_;_ &C.— "I know the humble opinion
thou hast of thyself, and thy poverty in temporal respects; but thou
art rich in grace, and in all its genuine effects, and art daily
laying up for thyself an increasing treasure in heaven." With respect
to the next clause, we may... [ Continue Reading ]
FEAR NONE OF THOSE THINGS, &C.— This chiefly concerns Polycarp, the
_angel,_ who is here comforted, and foretold of his future sufferings;
but it does not exclude the rest of his flock, who are comprised under
the shepherd. His constancy in martyrdom proves that he followed this
advice. The next cla... [ Continue Reading ]
SHALL NOT BE HURT OF THE SECOND DEATH.— This is in pursuance of the
title, Revelation 2:8. For Christ having power over death and hell,
and having raised himself, he has of course power to raise the
martyrs: and then it is plain that the _second death_ shall have no
power over them. Memorable to thi... [ Continue Reading ]
metropolis of the Hellespontic Mysia, and the seat of the Attalick
kings, is, by the Turks, with some little variation, still called
_Bergamo,_ and has its situation about 64 miles to the north of
Smyrna. Here are good buildings, but mor... [ Continue Reading ]
EVEN WHERE SATAN'S SEAT IS:— _Satan's throne;_ the place where he
has great power. It is probable, that the Heathens were there
particularly furious against the _Christians._ Now, where there are
persecutions, there _Satan dwelleth_ and reigneth. See ch. Revelation
12:10. The church of Pergamos, to... [ Continue Reading ]
THE DOCTRINE OF BALAAM,— As _Balaam_ has the same signification in
Hebrew which _Nicolas_ has in Greek, and both signify "conquerors of
the people," (which name might probably have been given to Balaam, on
account of the influence which he had in the place where he lived;) it
seems most likely that... [ Continue Reading ]
WILL FIGHT AGAINST THEM— He does not say that he will fight against
the _church,_ but the _Nicolaitans; therefore repent,_ that is, "Be
wise, and separate yourselves from those seducers, or else you shall
be involved in their damnation, as Balaam was in the destruction of
the Midianites." In the las... [ Continue Reading ]
WILL I GIVE TO EAT OF THE HIDDEN MANNA,— Hereby the reward of him
that conquers in the combat for Christ is described. As Balaam went on
in his error through the greediness of gain, so here Christ promises,
by way of antidote, the true riches to _him,_ who shall, in the
strength of grace, resist and... [ Continue Reading ]
CHURCH IN THYATIRA— Thyatira was situated at a distance of about 48
miles to the south-east of Pergamos. See Acts 16:14. At present the
city is called by the Turks Akhisar, or "The white castle," from the
great quantities of white marble there. Only one ancient edifice is
left standing; the rest, ev... [ Continue Reading ]
I KNOW THY WORKS, &C.— "I know and approve thy works of piety, which
are many, and which, I am well apprised, are the effects of ardent
love to me; and I am well-acquainted with the service thou art
performing for my cause and interest, and with thy faith and thy
patience; and that, with respect to... [ Continue Reading ]
thy wife Jezebel,_ is the Complutensian reading, which is more
allusive to the symbol drawn from the history of Ahab, whose wife
seduced him, than the common reading. Ahab is condemned above all
other kings of Israel for doing ill,... [ Continue Reading ]
AND I GAVE HER SPACE— _And I gave her time._ This alludes to the
history of Jezebel. God first sent Elijah to Ahab to pronounce a
severe judgment upon him; upon which Ahab shewed tokens of repentance,
and so God put off his punishment. By these means the like punishment
pronounced against Jezebel wa... [ Continue Reading ]
BEHOLD, I WILL CAST HER INTO A BED,— This again alludes to the same
history. Ahaziah, son of Ahab and Jezebel, by his mother's ill
instruction and example, followed her ways; and God punished him, by
making him, or permitting him to fall down, as is supposed, from the
top of the terrace over his hou... [ Continue Reading ]
AND I WILL KILL HER CHILDREN WITH DEATH;— That is, "I will certainly
destroy her offspring and memory, and thereby ruin her designs."
Jezebel's two sons, being both kings, were both slain; and, after
that, all the seventy sons of Ahab, Exodus 10:1 in all which the hand
of God was very visible. In th... [ Continue Reading ]
I WILL PUT UPON YOU NONE OTHER BURDEN.— This is a commendation of
the sound part of the church, that there is no new exhortation or
charge to be given them; no new advice, but to persevere as usual. See
Romans 15:14. The expression of _burden_ is taken from the history of
Ahab, 2 Kings 9:25. _The Lo... [ Continue Reading ]
TILL I COME.— That is, either in judgment upon these corrupters, or
at the great consummation of all things. See the next verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
WILL I GIVE POWER OVER THE NATIONS:— This is suitable to the title
of the Lord Jesus in the beginning of this Epistle, where he calls
himself _the Son of God,_ which implies the possession of regal and
universal power; and that the Jews so understood it, is plain from
John 1:49 which passage, as wel... [ Continue Reading ]
dominion over them, either by conversion, or else by destruction." See
Psalms 2:9. Lamentations 4:2.... [ Continue Reading ]
AND I WILL GIVE HIM THE MORNING STAR.— This is one of Christ's
titles, ch. Revelation 22:16 which he takes upon him, to signify that
he is the first Prince of the resurrection; and so this is as much as
if he had said, "I will give him power to be the _morning-star,_ even
as I am myself." A _star,_... [ Continue Reading ]