He that hath an ear, &c.— See on Matthew 11:15. By him that overcometh, is here meant, him who lives in the spirit of holiness, who, through grace, conquers everyevil temper, and publicly confesses the name of Jesus Christbefore his enemies to the end, and even unto martyrdom, if called thereunto. The word which we render to give, implies, throughout this book, a power granted to act or do something very remarkable, which depended not before upon, and was not in the power of the receiver. The phrase Ξυλον ζωης, the word, or tree of life, is a Hebraism, to signify animmortal tree,and symbolically, immortality itself. So wisdom is said to be a tree of life,Proverbs 3:18 that is, bringing to man long life and immortality; and Proverbs 11:30 the fruit of the righteous is said to be a tree of life; that is, "Immortality is the reward or effect of his following wisdom." See ch. Revelation 22:2.

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