Now I say that Jesus Christ, &c.— The connection of this and the next verse is evident, by only repeating in our own minds the words,I say, at the beginning of the 9th, Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision, on account of the truth of God, to confirm, or make good the promises given to the fathers: Romans 15:9. And I say that the Gentiles, on account of mercy, should glorify God; meaning in union with the Christian Jews. The Gentile must allow the Jew a primary and eminent right to all the glory and privileges of the Gospel; because the truth of God was engaged, by the promises to Abraham, &c. to send the Messiah to the Jewish nation, to make his appearance, and to exercise his ministry among them for their salvation: therefore the believing Gentile had undeniable reason to own and receive the believing Jew, and to join with him in the divine praise; Romans 15:5. And as God had extended his mercy in Christ Jesus to the believing Gentiles, how could the Jews refuse the Gentiles a share in solemn thanksgivings to God for so great a favour? Could the Jews stint or deny the mercy of God to the Gentile world? And if he allowed God's mercy to them in the Redeemer, must he not allow them to bear a part in solemn acknowledgments of his goodness; especially, considering that the Scriptures do expressly foretel, that the Gentiles should have their share in this joyful work?—Accordingly, as it would be more difficult to persuade the Jew, he lays before him several quotations from Scripture to that purpose. What it was that Christ ministered to the Jews, we may see by the like expression of St. Paul applied to himself, Romans 15:16 where he calls himself a minister of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, ministering the Gospel of God. See Matthew 15:24. What is said, Romans 15:9 confirms what we have observed upon Romans 15:6 namely, that praise and thanksgiving to God for his mercy in Jesus Christ is a principal part of Christian worship. See Hebrews 13:15. Locke.

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