The grace of our Lord, &c.— All the other epistles of St. Paul end with a similar benediction. When St. Paul says my Gospel, Romans 16:25 he cannot be supposed, says Mr. Locke, to have used such an expression, unless he knew that what he preached had something in it which distinguished it from what was preached by others: which was plainly the mystery, as he every where calls it, of God's purpose of taking in the Gentiles to be his people under the Messiah, and that without subjecting them to circumcision, or the law of Moses. This is that mystery which he is so much concerned that the Ephesians should understand and adhere to firmly, and which was revealed to him according to that Gospel whereof he was made the minister, as may be seen at large in that Epistle. The same thing he declares to the Colossians, particularly ch. Romans 1:27 and Romans 2:6. For that he preached this doctrine, in a fuller manner than any of the other apostles did, may be seen Acts 21:18. For though the other apostles and elders of the church at Jerusalem had determined that the Gentiles should only keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, &c. &c. yet it is plain enough from what they say, Acts 21:20 that they taught not fully, what St. Paul openly declares to the Ephesians,—that the law of Moses was abolished by the death of Christ: (Ephesians 2:15.) so that St. Paul might in an eminent degree be termed the Apostle of the Gentiles. And in all this may be seen the goodness of God both to Jews and Gentiles. See Ephesians 2:15. A commentator observes, that the Apostle calls it his Gospel, because he was the man especially singled out and commissioned to preach it. He might also call it his Gospel, to distinguish it from that which was preached by some others, who mixed law and gospel together. But I cannot think, with Mr. Locke, that the Apostle intended to distinguish it from that which St. Peter and St. James taught; who, though they were apostles of the circumcision, do not appear from either of their epistles, to have held any sentiments inconsistent with what St. Paul taught. St. Peter particularly wrote his epistles to Gentile converts; and is as clear in giving them a full place in the church, and all the honours of the people of God, upon their faith in Christ, as St. Paul himself: nor can we form any argument as to his sentiments, from his blameable conduct, Galatians 2:12 for that was an error of infirmity, not of judgment. By the revelation of the mystery, the Apostle means the calling of the Gentiles, as appears from the next verse; Now is made known to all nations, or, to all the nations,—for the obedience of faith. The original, rendered since the world began, is χρονοις αιωνιοις; that is, in the secular times, or the times under the law. Why the times under the law were called χρονοι αιωνιοι, we may find a reason in their jubilees, which were αιωνες, saecula, or ages; by which all the time under the law was measured; and so χρονοι αιωνιοι, are used, 2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2. And αιωνες are put for the times of the law, or the jubilees, Luke 1:70, Acts 3:21, 1 Corinthians 2:7, and 1 Corinthians 10:11, Ephesians 3:9, Colossians 1:26, Hebrews 9:26. So Exodus 21:6. εις τον αιωνα, signifies not as we translate it, for ever, but "to the jubilee:" which will appear, if we compare Leviticus 25:39 and Exodus 21:2. Now that the times of the law, were the times here spoken of by St. Paul, seems plain from that which he declares to have continued a mystery during all those times; namely, God's purpose of taking in the Gentiles to be his people under the Messiah: for this could not be said to be mystery at any other time than that, when the Jews were separated to be the peculiar people of God: before that time there was no such name or idea of distinction as Gentiles; before the days of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the calling of the Israelites to be God's peculiar people was as much a mystery, as the calling of the Gentiles was a mystery afterwards. All thatSt. Paul insists upon here, and in all the places where he mentions this mystery, is to shew, that, though God had declared this his purpose to the Jews, by the predictions of his prophets among them, yet it lay concealed from their knowledge; it was a mystery to them; they understood no such thing: there was not any where the least suspicion or thought of it; till, the Messiah being come, it was openly declared by St. Paul to the Jews and Gentiles, and made out by the writings of the prophets, which were now understood. See Locke, and Burthogge's excellent pamphlet, intitled, "Christianity a revealed Mystery."

Written to the Romans, &c.— The first verse of this chapter justifies part of this note; but as the most ancient manuscripts have not these notes, and some of them are plainly contrary to passages in the epistles to which they are affixed, they are not to be esteemed of any authority. See Wetstein.

Inferences.—What an advantage is the Christian religion to friendship and good manners! It teaches us to pay civil respect to all ranks and degrees of persons, in such chaste and decent modes of salutation, as are customary in the age and country in which we live; it obliges us to be grateful for benefits, and to make the best returns of love and kindness that we are capable of; it gives a holy turn to civility and genteel behaviour, and makes us sincere in wishing the spiritual and eternal, as well as temporal prosperity of our friends; and it disposes one Gospel church to receive the members of another, when duly recommended to their holy fellowship. How concerned should Christians, whether men or women, be to excel in piety, to enter into Christian communion, and to be serviceable in their respective spheres, to the whole body! How amiable are those families which resemble a church of Christ in their worship, order, and conversation! And, Oh! what an honour is it to be first and eminent in the faith and profession of the Gospel! How careful should private Christians, as well as others, be, to judge for themselves in matters of religion, according to the doctrine which they have learnt from Christ and his apostles; and to guard against and avoid those who would cause divisions and offences, by broaching errors among them! Whatever may be the plausible pretences, fair shews, and flattering speeches of seducers, they are secretly carrying on some selfish and carnal views to deceive weak, though sincere souls. But it behoves us to be so wise as to know the truth, and not to be imposed upon by others; and so honest as to act up to our knowledge, and not impose upon them. What a busy adversary is the devil in promoting pernicious principles and practices, to the disturbance and corruption of the church! But it is the comfort and encouragement of all the faithful saints, that the God of peace will entirely subdue him under their feet shortly. How excellent is the Gospel of the grace of God! It is of ancient date, and of divine original; it harmonizes with the Old Testament Scriptures; and is now made known in all its light and glory, according to the commandment of the eternal God: the great subject of this Gospel is Jesus Christ, and salvation through him; it extends its blessings to sinners of all nations; and wherever it is sent by an overruling Providence, it ought to be received with a divine faith, that we may subject our consciences to the authority of God in it, and yield all holy obedience to him, from a principle of faith in Christ, according to it; and that we may ascribe all possible honour to the only-wise God, who is able to establish us in it; to whom be glory, through Jesus Christ, both now and for ever. Amen.

REFLECTIONS.—1st, The Apostle now takes his leave of them:

1. With commending to them the bearer. I commend unto you Phebe our sister in the Lord, which is a servant, or a deaconness, of the church which is at Cenchrea, in the neighbourhood of Corinth. She was one of those who devoted her time and substance to the service of the cause of Christ: probably her house served for the assemblies of the church, and she entertained those who came to preach the Gospel among them. Therefore he desires, That they would receive her in the Lord, with all holy affection, in the Redeemer's name and for his sake, as becometh saints, such as ye profess yourselves to be; and that ye assist her in whatsoever business she hath need of you, shewing her every mark of kindness and respect: for she hath been a succourer of many, and has most hospitably received and entertained them; and of myself also; and with gratitude therefore I desire to acknowledge her kindness and generosity. Note; The least return that we can make for favours, is to testify our gratitude to our kind benefactors.

2. He sends his affectionate salutations to many at Rome.
[1.] To Priscilla and Aquila, of whom he speaks with the deepest regard as his helpers in Christ Jesus, who had been particularly assistant to him in labours at Corinth, and had for his life laid down their own necks, and, when he was in danger, rescued him at the hazard of their lives, Acts 18:12. For which noble instance of generous love, says he, not only I give thanks, but also all the churches of the Gentiles, who owe the continuance of my ministry to their zeal and interposition. Likewise greet the church that is in their house; either their family, who were all professors of the faith; or the saints who usually assembled there for public worship.

[2.] To Epenetus, whom he entitles his well-beloved. So tenderly affectionate was the Apostle's heart towards his spiritual children, and especially to Epenetus, as being the first-fruits of his ministry in Achaia unto Christ and the earnest of that plenteous harvest which followed.

[3.] To Mary, whom he distinguishes as having bestowed much labour on us, peculiarly assiduous in every kind office of love towards me and my fellow-labourers.

[4.] To Andronicus and Junia, whom some suppose to be husband and wife, but others more probably to be brothers. They were Jews, near kinsmen probably to the Apostle, had been endeared to him by confinement in the same prison for Christ, were persons eminent for their gifts, graces, sufferings, and services; and he adds to their honour, who were in Christ before me, called among the earliest converts, and preaching the faith while he destroyed it.

[5.] To divers others, the most of whom he mentions with some note of distinction. Greet Amplias, my beloved in the Lord, who bears his image, and is most amiable in the relation wherein he stands to the same divine Master. Salute Urbane, our helper in Christ, and fellow-labourer in the glorious Gospel; and Stachys my beloved. Salute Apelles, approved in Christ, whose constancy and fidelity have appeared in many trials. Salute them which are of Aristobulus' household. Salute Herodion, my kinsman both in the flesh and in the Spirit. Greet them that be of the household of Narcissus, which are in the Lord, vitally united by faith unto him. Salute Tryphena and Tryphosa, those excellent women who labour in the Lord, in their place and station indefatigable to serve the interests of the Gospel. Salute the beloved Persis, which laboured much in the Lord, remarkably diligent in her sphere to advance the cause of God. Salute Rufus, chosen in the Lord, eminent for gifts and graces; and his mother and mine, whose kindness to me lays me under such obligations of filial love as if I were by birth her son. Salute Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermas, Patrobas, Hermes, and the brethren which are with them, and belong to their families, from the highest to the lowest. Salute Philologus and Julia, Nereus, and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints which are with them, of their respective households. Salute one another with an holy kiss, loving one another out of a pure heart fervently. The churches of Christ salute you, joining me in the most affectionate remembrances, prayers, and good wishes.

2nd, Having testified his own warm affection towards them, and sought to unite them in mutual love, he adds,
1. A solemn caution. Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences, so opposite to the spirit of vital Christianity, and so contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned. Mark with holy jealousy those deceivers, who, under plausible presences of greater purity of worship, rend the peace of the church, and avoid them, join not with them in communion, and shun, as the greatest evil, whatever would introduce or perpetuate needless divisions.

2. He discovers to them the true character of these pretenders, as the strongest argument to avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ; whatever plausible presences and professions they make, they have not really his glory and interest at heart, but their own belly, designing some mean, selfish, sinister, worldly advantage; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple, who credulously follow them in their destructive ways. Of you I know better things; for your obedience is come abroad unto all men, and, to your honour, mention is made through all the churches of your professed and exemplary subjection to the Gospel of Christ. I am glad therefore on your behalf, that you are so well established, and have not been beguiled by these false teachers: but yet, knowing the weakness of human nature, and the subtilty of deceivers, I warn you to watch against their first efforts; for I would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil, cautious to discern truth from error, and joining the wisdom of the serpent to the harmlessness of the dove.

3. He expresses his confidence in the Lord's preservation of them from all their enemies and seducers. Now the God of peace, to whose blessing and protection I have recommended you, shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly, and all his instruments, though never so crafty. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, to strengthen, stablish, settle you, and make you more than conquerors. Amen! Note; (1.) None do the devil's work more effectually than those who foment needless divisions among the people of God. (2.) The time is short; if faith and patience hold out, we shall be placed for ever out of the reach of sin and Satan, and reign triumphant with Him who shall make our foes become our footstool.

3rdly, As the Apostle had before saluted many of the saints by name, he adds,
1. The affectionate remembrances of some of those who were at present his companions, Timotheus my work-fellow, as a son with a father, serving with me in the Gospel, and Lucius, and Jason, and Sosipater, my kinsmen, salute you. I Tertius, who wrote this Epistle, as the Apostle's amanuensis, salute you in the Lord. Gaius mine host, and of the whole church, whose hospitable doors are ever open to the saints, saluteth you. Erastus the chamberlain of the city saluteth you; such had been his high office, and perhaps he still continued in his post, though converted to the faith; and Quartus a brother in Christ Jesus; for all who have him for their Saviour, have one Father, even God.

2. He repeats his fervent prayers for their spiritual prosperity. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. May you experience his pardoning, comforting, strengthening, sanctifying grace below, and come to his complete and eternal glory above. Amen! I pray that it may be so.

4thly, Once and again, when he seemed to have closed his Epistle, some new matter arose to his mind; here he solemnly takes his leave of them.
1. He commends them to God and the word of his grace. Now I commend you to him that is of power to stablish you, according to my Gospel, which, by divine authority commissioned, I here declare unto you, and according to the preaching of Jesus Christ, agreeably to what he himself taught, and I speak in his name, pointing him out as the great sum and substance of the Gospel, the hope and help of his believing people; according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began, wholly hid from the Gentiles, and but obscurely intimated to the Jews in types and dark prophesies; but now is made manifest by the ministry of the divinely illuminated servants of Jesus, and by the Scriptures of the prophets, which, having received their accomplishment, are unveiled, and clearly understood; according to the commandment of the everlasting God, who has given his ministers an express commission to declare the purposes of his grace, that they might be made known to all nations, Gentiles as well as Jews; for this glorious end that they might be brought to the obedience of faith, receiving the testimony of his word, and from the divine principle of faith, which worketh by love, engaged to walk before him in righteousness and true holiness.

2. He concludes with a doxology. To God only wise, essentially wise in himself, and seen especially to be so in the amazing contrivance of the Gospel method of salvation, be glory and honour ascribed, through Jesus Christ the only Mediator, for ever. Amen. May his saints on earth perpetuate with their latest breath his praises! and in heaven he shall for ever be to all his hosts the glorious object of their unceasing adorations. Amen and Amen.

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