Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible
Song of Solomon 3:11
With the crown, &c.— The original word עטרה atarah, is derived from the root, עטר atar, which signifies to encompass or surround; and is the same as is used to express a royal crown. 2 Samuel 12:30. 1 Chronicles 20:8.
REFLECTIONS.—1st, We have here,
1. The church seeking her Lord. By night on my bed; either this refers to the Mosaic dispensation, when, comparatively, darkness covered the earth; or to the condition of too many believers in every age, who, through neglect of watchfulness, know some dark seasons when they lament after an absent Christ; or this signifies the dull and sluggish frame into which she had fallen through sloth and worldly ease, which had provoked the Saviour to withdraw; yet, whatever declensions had grown upon her, the could still say, I sought him whom my soul loveth; her love was grown comparatively cold, and with too much lukewarmness she continued to seek him: I sought him, but I found him not, as the punishment of her unfaithfulness, or because she used so little importunity in the pursuit, her prayers negligent, her attention in the ordinances distracted, and her ears dull of hearing.
2. Perceiving her deadness and distance from him, in the power of divine grace she resolves more earnestly to seek his face. I will rise now from the bed of sloth, and without delay go about the city in the streets, and in the broad ways I will seek him whom my soul loveth; discouraged by no difficulties, and persevering notwithstanding repeated disappointments, diligent in the use of every appointed means, and in some of his holy ordinances hoping at last to meet him: I sought him, but I found him not; that melancholy strain is repeated, and paints the anguish of her disappointment: we must not, however, give over, if we do not meet in the way of duty with all the comfort that we expected, but patiently wait, and be found still in God's way. Therefore,
3. She applies to the watchmen of the city, whom she met, for information; the ministers of the word, whose office and business it is to direct poor wandering souls to Jesus; they found me bewildered in my search, and as they appeared solicitous and able to direct my steps, I said, Saw ye him whom my soul loveth? no other description was necessary, the object of her longing regards was known to them. Note; (1.) They who are under soul distress, are bound to apply to the ministers of Christ, whose advice he will bless to their relief. (2.) A soul that knows the value of the Lord Jesus will never rest, seeking till it finds him.
4. This was the blessed case of the distressed church. It was but a little that I passed from them: observing, probably, the directions they had given, though their answer is not mentioned; or when means and ministers all failed, Christ came to answer all her importunate desires; I found him whom my soul loveth: none ever were at last disappointed, who in patient perseverance sought his face; and the more difficulties we have encountered and conquered, the sweeter will the divine comfort be at last, when all the desires of our hearts shall be granted, and our souls filled with his love.
5. Having found him, she resolved now to keep him, and never more to part from him. I held him in the arms of faith and love, and would not let him go: he seemed reluctant to stay, yet meant only to excite her importunity, and exercise her graces; until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me: which may signify either that the soul who finds the Lord Jesus will make open profession of him in the visible church, which may be regarded as our common mother; or that she was determined to hold fast on Christ during all the trials of her militant state on earth, till he should bring her to that Jerusalem which is above, which is the mother of us all.
6. She gives a solemn charge not to disturb her Lord. Those who have felt the pains of absence will be more peculiarly jealous, lest they should again provoke the Saviour to depart from them. I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till he please, neither speak nor move so as to offend him; but, watchfully observant of whatever would disturb or displease him, keep your hearts with all diligence. Note; They who would keep Christ when they have found him, must be careful how they walk, and solicitous to please him well in all things.
7. The daughters of Jerusalem, on beholding this happy meeting of Christ and his church, break forth into an inquiry full of admiration. Who is this that cometh out of the wilderness; either the wilderness of corruption, in which the souls even of all the faithful once lay, unable to extricate themselves from the mazes of error and sin, till Christ arose to lead them in paths of everlasting peace; or the wilderness of desertion and affliction, such as was the case of the church just before, when Jesus was absent from her, and she lamented after him; but now having found him, what a change appears! no more weeping, mourning, afflicted, she lifts up her head with joy, and marches boldly on, like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense; as the smoke from the altar ascended in curling volumes, so do her burning affections rise up to God, and the lively exercise of her graces, through the nearness of Jesus, gives a favour of a sweet smell, acceptable and well-pleasing to God through Jesus Christ; with all the powders of the merchant; the Redeemer is the merchant, who from afar hath brought the sweet perfume; the graces we exercise, the services we offer, come not from ourselves, but him; to him therefore for ever be the praise.
2nd, The church desires to turn the eyes of the daughters of Jerusalem from admiring her, to an object far more worthy of their regard, even to Solomon, the type of the divine Messiah, the chief of ten thousand. Three things she points out to them as worthy their highest admiration.
1. His bed. Behold, his bed, his church, or the hearts of his faithful people, in which he takes up his rest for ever, which is Solomon's the prince of peace; threescore valiant men are about it, of the valiant of Israel; the ministers of the sanctuary, men strong in faith, and mighty in word and deed, who watch that nothing may disturb the peace of the church, or hurt her members. They all hold swords, being expert in war, the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; and know how to wield it in such a manner as to vanquish the powers of darkness: every man hath his sword upon his thigh; ready armed for every exigence, having the scriptures stored up in their memory, and able to apply them on every emergence, according to the circumstances of the case, because of fear in the night; when, in seasons of temptation or persecution, God's people are distressed and alarmed, they are prepared to stand by them and to encourage and comfort them.
2. His chariot. King Solomon made himself a chariot of the wood of Lebanon; which may signify the human nature of Christ; or the ministration of the gospel, in which he appears in the riches of his grace, admired of all that believe, riding prosperously in triumphant majesty, attended by the acclamations of his faithful subjects; and his enemies, death, hell, and sin, bound as vanquished at his chariot-wheels. The wood of Lebanon denotes the perpetuity of the gospel word, and its fragrance the great and precious promises therein contained; the pillars of silver, the floor of gold, the covering of purple, may represent its purity, excellence, and stability; the midst thereof being paved with love, for the daughters of Jerusalem; God therein appears to be all love and mercy to poor and perishing sinners, and he is pleased to take up the yielding faithful soul to sit with him, to behold and partake of his glory.
3. The royal diadem on his head. Go forth, O ye daughters of Zion, converted souls, who are called out of themselves to Christ, and behold king Solomon with the crown wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals; either the day when ascending to the skies Jesus was crowned king of glory, and all power in heaven and earth given unto him; or the day when the soul of the sinner, called by the Divine word and Spirit into the fellowship of the gospel, yields to be saved by grace, and beholds Jesus, the heavenly bridegroom, with open arms ready to receive her, owns how worthy he is, who hath borne the cross, to wear the crown, and with delight embraces the gospel-covenant, in which the Saviour betrothes us to himself in mercy and loving-kindness; and this time is a time of love, and gladness of his heart; then Jesus beholds in us the travail of his soul, and we can say, My spirit rejoiceth in God my Saviour.