Who is she that looketh forth— Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, dazzling as all the starry hosts? The gradation of images so naturally leads to the interpretation here given, that it seems impossible that the passage could have had any other meaning. A little attention to the original will abundantly shew the propriety of the meaning here assigned. See the New Translation, and Robertson's Thesaurus, p. 860, &c.—Here ends the firth day's eclogue; wherein the church, having a taste of Christ's love, is sick of love, and gives a description of him by his graces. She professes her faith in him; and he in return sets forth the graces of the church in terms nearly similar to those made use of in the fourth chapter. It is generally thought by spiritual interpreters, that the description given, chap. Song of Solomon 5:2, refers to that spiritual dulness which sometimes creeps upon too many believers. "Let us hence learn, (says Theodoret on this passage) what mischiefs arise from spiritual sloth and laziness, and in what troubles and pains they engage us; for the spouse here excusing herself, and not being willing presently to rise to the bridegroom, is compelled a little while after, not only to rise, and run down to the door, but to run through the city, and wander about the streets, falling among the watchmen, and being evil-intreated by them, and after all could scarcely find her beloved; to whom if she had hearkened immediately, and obeyed his heavenly call, she had avoided all these inconveniences." See Bishop Patrick, Bishop Hall, Calmet, Gill, and the Reflections. It shall now suffice to say here with the spouse, that he is altogether lovely; amiable in every perfection, and sufficient to attract the love of all mankind. I would just add, that in the description which the Bridegroom gives of the beauty of the church, the ninth verse is generally supposed to be expressive of the unity of the church. See, in particular, St. Cyprian, book 4: sect. 8, 12 and book 5: sect. 1.

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