Set me as a seal upon thine heart, &c.— See Exodus 13:9. The meaning is, "Place me so that I may never slip out of thy memory or affection. This request I make out of fervent love, which is strong or irresistible as death; especially when heightened by jealousy, or a fear of losing the beloved object." The coals thereof are coals of fire; or, as Dr. Hammond has excellently illustrated the place, The darts or arrows thereof are darts of fire, of a most vehement flame. The metaphor is taken from an arrow shot out of a bow, which by the swiftness of its motion takes fire; or rather, perhaps, alludes to the fiery arrows which were sometimes made use of for the same purpose as fire-balls among us. The LXX countenance this version by rendering the passage, The feathers or wings thereof are wings of fire. See Hammond on Psalms 76:3 the New Translation, and Martin's Explication des Textes Difficiles, p. 325.

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