They profess that they know God,— This was their grand pretence for Christianity, and opposing St. Paul; namely, that they best understood the revelation of the mind and will of God in the gospel, as well as under the law; but at the same time pride, and covetousness, and other vices, animated and influenced them. See Romans 2:17; Romans 2:29; Romans 3:10. 2 Corinthians 11:13. Jude, 4. 16. The word reprobate, in this verse, means disapproved and condemned when brought to the standard of God's word, though they are among the first to judge and condemn others.

Inferences.—Never let it be forgotten by any who call themselves Christians, that the faith of God's people is the acknowledgment of the truth, which is according to godliness. Never let the great design of Christianity be lost in an eager contention for any of its appendages, or any of its parts. Yet, alas, how often has it, in particular instances, been wounded almost to death, in a furious attempt to rescue it, and that, sometimes perhaps, from only an imaginary danger.

That we may be more sensible of its vital influence, let us ever retain the hope of that eternal life which it proposes, as the great end of all our pursuits; even of that life which God that cannot lie hath promised to all his faithful saints. Let us rejoice to think that so immense a superstructure has so firm, so divine a foundation; and let us never give it up for any thing that a flattering world, always ready to engage, and slow to perform, can promise.

Let us ever be very thankful for the provision which God hath made for the manifestation of his word, through preaching, and for his goodness in raising up faithful pastors to his church, overseers in every age, who have been blameless, sober, just, holy, and temperate. Such may all be that appear under that sacred character; able, by their doctrine to instruct, by their reasoning to convince, by their practice to edify; ever solicitous, that they may not neglect their pastoral services, that they may not lord it proudly over their brethren, that they may not be transported by furious passions, or misguided by rash conclusions, or perverted by low interests, and the greediness of filthy lucre; but that they may approve themselves the faithful stewards of God, and promote the good order of his house; and, so far as their influence can reach, the happiness of every member of his family.

In order to this, let them look well to their own houses, that nothing may be wanting on their part to make their children tractable, faithful, and sober. And let the children of ministers consider the obligations which they are under to cultivate a teachable spirit, and to maintain the strictest decency in their whole deportment; as remembering the superior advantages they may be supposed to enjoy for religious improvement, and how much a minister's reputation and usefulness depend upon the regularity of his family.

REFLECTIONS.—1st, The apostle opens the epistle with his usual address.

1. He sets forth his own divine commission and apostleship. This epistle comes from Paul, who counts it his highest honour to be called a servant of God in the gospel of his dear son, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, sent to bear the glad tidings of his salvation to Gentile lands, according to the faith of God's elect; that is to say, the faith of all genuine Christians, who have accepted the offers of grace, and yielded to the calls of God in the preaching of his gospel or otherwise, and enjoy the living power of faith in Christ: or, as some very eminent commentators have explained it, the faith of Christians in the general, they being all an elect generation, 1 Peter 2:9 and St. Paul being an apostle in reference to them all; to those to whom he was a savour of death, as well as to those to whom he was a savour of life: 2 Corinthians 2:16. He was accordingly sent to call all these, within his sphere, to the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness; and which, having heartily embraced himself, he now with delight published to others, in hope of eternal life, which all who continue to live godly in Christ Jesus are sure to attain unto; because God, that cannot lie, hath promised it unto them in Christ Jesus, before the world began, or, as it should be translated, before the secular ages of the Jews (see the annotations); but hath in due times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me, according to the commandment of God our Saviour, who hath authorized and enabled me to discharge the important trust. Note; (1.) The highest dignity is to be the servant of the living God. (2.) They who are ministers of God, must be indefatigable in preaching. Dumb dogs that cannot, or will not bark, are not of the great Shepherd's appointment.

2. He wishes Titus the best of blessings. To Titus, mine own son after the common faith, my spiritual child, begotten in the gospel, be grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour. Note; All believers have one common faith, and are united to the same Jesus.

2nd, St. Paul,
1. Reminds him of the end for which he was left in Crete. For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, directing the Cretan Christians concerning the proper discipline, worship, and conduct, to be observed by them; and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee, such as shall be found duly qualified for the ministerial work.

2. He describes the character of those whom he should ordain. If any be blameless, having a good report of those who know him best; the husband of one wife, no polygamist; having faithful children brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, not accused of riot, or unruly, dissolute and refractory, but kept under due restraint, neither a disgrace to themselves nor their parents. For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God, appointed to that high charge in his holy family, and therefore of a character irreproachable; not self-willed, of a rash and obstinate temper; not soon angry, and firing at every provocation; not given to wine, addicted to drunkenness, or fond of the glass; no striker, violent in his passions; not given to filthy lucre, a mercenary wretch, who serves for hire, but one who serves out of zeal for Christ and the souls of men. He must be also a lover of hospitality, entertaining poor strangers, and Christians driven from their homes by the fury of persecution; a lover of good men, without prejudice or exception; sober, grave and prudent in his carriage and deportment; just, and upright in his conversation; holy in all his conduct; temperate in his desires and appetites; holding fast the faithful word, maintaining the purity of the gospel, and dispensing it with all fidelity, as he hath been taught by us; that he may be able, by sound doctrine, both to exhort and comfort the true members of Christ's church, and to convince the gainsayers of their errors. For such spiritual wisdom is necessary because there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, in Crete as well as in other churches, who, though professing Christianity, walk disorderly, and with their heretical tenets draw away disciples after them; especially they of the circumcision, who are the great corrupters of the faith, urging circumcision and the observance of the Mosaical institutions as necessary to salvation; whose mouths must be stopped, not by force, but by sound truth and scriptural arguments to detect their fallacies and silence their cavils; who subvert whole houses, insinuating themselves into the families of professors, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake, adapting their teaching to the palates of their hearers, in order to insinuate into their confidence, and enrich themselves at their expence.

3rdly, The national character of the Cretans was very bad, therefore they would need sharp rebuke.
1. The apostle quotes one of their own writers. One of themselves, even a prophet, or poet, of their own, Epimenides, said, the Cretans are always liars, peculiarly addicted to this sin; evil beasts, ravenous, gluttonous, and insatiate in their appetites; slow bellies, luxurious and indolent; and this witness is true, it is their just character. Wherefore,

2. Rebuke them sharply; such scandalous deeds required severe and cutting remonstrances, that, their sins and danger being set before them, they may be sound in the faith, warned by these rebukes of others to be more watchful, or recovered from such grievous backsliding; not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, the ridiculous legends and vain traditions of those Judaizing teachers, that turn from the truth, apostates themselves, and labouring to pervert the faith of others, and to adulterate the blessed gospel of grace, by enforcing upon the conscience the abrogated rites of the Mosaical law. Unto the pure all things are pure, and no ceremonial uncleanness is contracted by the touch or taste of things forbidden by the Levitical institutions: but unto them that are defiled, by the reigning impurity of their hearts and lives, and unbelieving, destitute of faith in Jesus, there is nothing pure, all they do and say is abominable in the sight of God; but even their mind and conscience is defiled, and, when the fountain is thus polluted, every stream which flows from it must needs be foul. They profess indeed that they know God, and make great boasts of their wisdom; but in works they deny him, and act as infidels, being abominable in their spirit and conduct, disobedient to all God's holy laws as well as enemies to his gospel, and, in short, unto every good work reprobate, unfit and unable for, as well as disinclined to, the practice of them. Note; (1.) Stubborn sinners call for severe rebuke. Lenity, where the knife is required, is real cruelty to the patient. (2.) The best preservative against the wiles of deceivers, is being sound in the faith. They who are firmly grounded on Christ, will not easily be shaken. (3.) They who are destitute of right principles, must necessarily err in all their conduct: every thing they do, even what is in itself right, as to the matter and deed itself, becomes sin to them, because it proceeds from wrong principles, and is directed to wrong ends. (4.) It is not sounding professions, but holy lives, which characterize real Christians. Non magna loquimur, sed vivimus, "We speak not, but live, great things."

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