In the fifth and seventh month— The Jews not only observed those fasts which were instituted by God himself, but likewise added others in commemoration of great calamities. The exiled Jews instituted four of these fasts; one in the fourth month, in commemoration of the breach of the wall, mentioned Jeremiah 52:6.; one in the fifth month, in commemoration of the burning of the temple. Jeremiah 52:12.; one in the seventh month for the murder of Gedaliah, Jeremiah 41:2.; and one in the tenth month, in commemoration of the beginning of the siege, 2 Kings 25:1. These fasts were observed not only in their captivity but likewise in Judaea, between the reigns of Cyrus and Darius the son of Hystaspes; the Jews therefore, as we have remarked, particularly inquired concerning the observation of the fast on account of the burning of the temple, because that temple was now rebuilding; for they might doubt whether it was not improper to retain it any longer, as the reason had ceased which gave rise to it; or whether the commemoration of past calamities was not of great utility to the morals of mankind. The prophet acquits himself with great address; he answers, that these days should still be observed, but in a different manner; not as days of mourning, but as days of thanksgiving; see chap. Zechariah 8:19 premising some very useful observations on the nature of fasts, on the causes of the national calamities, and the manner in which they ought to behave themselves in prosperity. See Grotius, and Calmet's Dictionary on the word FASTS. Houbigant renders the last clause of this verse, Did 1 command you this fast? "Was it by my orders?—to obey me? was it not rather from private motives,—from sentiments of self-love, than those of true religion, and sincere purposes of amendment?" The question is proposed in opposition to their false ideas, that fasting of itself, exclusive of any corresponding graces and virtues, would be pleasing to God.

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