1 Chronicles 4:1

SONS] rather, 'descendants.' CARMI] probably an accidental substitution (from 1 Chronicles 5:3) for Chelubai or Caleb: see 1 Chronicles 2:9; 1 Chronicles 2:18.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 4:9

AND HIS MOTHER.. SORROW] better,' though his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow' (Heb. _ozeb_). The sorrow implied by his ominous name was averted by his prayer. 17, 18. AND SHE BARE] It has been conjectured that the last clause of 1 Chronicles 4:18 (AND THESE _are... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 4:22

WHO HAD THE DOMINION IN MOAB] better, 'who married in Moab' (like Mahlon and Chilion, Ruth 1:1). AND JASHUBI-LEHEM] The Vulgate suggests the reading, 'and returned to Beth-lehem.'... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 4:31

UNTO THE REIGN OF DAVID] The writer seems to be quoting from some account belonging to the time of David, in whose reign a census was taken of the people (2 Samuel 24): cp. 1 Chronicles 7:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 4:41

THESE WRITTEN BYNAME] probably those enumerated in 1 Chronicles 4:34. THE HABITATIONS] RV 'the Meunim' (who are the Maonites of Judges 10:12).... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 4:43

THE REST OF THE AMALEKITES] In spite of Saul's destruction of them, as related in 1 Samuel 15, a certain number survived: see 1 Samuel 27:8; 1 Samuel 30:1; 2 Samuel 8:12. UNTO THIS DAY] The phrase, like the parallel expressions in Kings, refers to the date of the source which the writer is incorpora... [ Continue Reading ]

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