After the manner of men] i.e. from ordinary human motives, for applause or money; and with no hope of reward in the resurrection life. I have fought with beasts] probably a strong metaphor (cp. 1 Corinthians 4:9) for some plot of the Jews or attack of the mob. His Roman citizenship and influential friends (Acts 19:31) would have saved him from actually having to fight wild beasts in the theatre; and this, if it had really happened, would probably have been specially mentioned (2 Corinthians 11:23).

If the dead rise not] RV takes this with the next sentence. Let us eat and drink] Isaiah 22:13. The natural though not the necessary consequence of disbelief in a future life is to care only for self-gratification.

33, 34. Do not associate with those who deny this vital truth. You are in great danger of being corrupted by them. Be aroused to a sense of your condition, and cease from sin. I trust that my words will shame you out of your folly.

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