1 Kings 14:1-31

THE SINS OF JEROBOAM AND REHOBOAM AND THEIR PUNISHMENT 2. Shiloh] The modern Seilûn, N. of Bethel and E. of the road leading from Bethel to Shechem (Judges 21:19).... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 14:3

TAKE WITH THEE] The gift proffered by the queen was a small one to suit her disguise: contrast 2 Kings 5:5. CRUSE] a flask or bottle (and so in 1 Kings 17:12).... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 14:9

ABOVE ALL THAT WERE BEFORE THEE] Solomon's idolatry was perhaps worse than Jeroboam's in being the worship of false gods, but it was at any rate not deliberately propagated among the people at large.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 14:10

SHUT UP AND LEFT] A comprehensive phrase to describe all classes, but its precise signification is uncertain. It has been taken to mean (_a_) restrained by, and free from, ceremonial impurity (which prevented persons suffering from it from entering the Temple, cp. Jeremiah 36:5); (_b_) imprisoned an... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 14:13

HE ONLY.. GRAVE] Abijah, for his goodness, was taken away from the evil to come (cp. Isaiah 57:1), though it is possible that the reward of his piety is meant to be not a timely death, but an honourable burial.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 14:15

THE RIVER] i.e. the Euphrates. GROVES] RV 'Asherim' (pi. of Asherah), and so in 1 Kings 14:23 and elsewhere. These were poles used as religious emblems (cp. Isaiah 17:8), and were probably intended to imitate trees, which, from being endowed with life and growth, were in early ages thought to be the... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 14:17

TIRZAH] afterwards the capital, until Samaria was built by Omri (see 1 Kings 15:33; 1 Kings 16:8; 1 Kings 16:15; 1 Kings 16:23). It was NW. of Shechem, Overlooking the Jordan valley.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 14:19

THE REST OF THE ACTS OF JEROBOAM] see 2 Chronicles 13:3, which describes a severe defeat which he sustained at the hands of Abijah of Judah. THE BOOK OF THE CHRONICLES] probably annals based on the state documents kept by the official recorder. A similar reference occurs in connexion with most of th... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 14:21

FORTY AND ONE YEARS OLD] It is implied in 2 Chronicles 12:8; 2 Chronicles 13:3 that Rehoboam was young when he came to the throne; and one MS of the LXX here substitutes 'sixteen years old.' HIS MOTHER'S NAME] the name of the mother of each succeeding king (see 1 Kings 15:10; 1 Kings 22:42; 2 Kings... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 14:24

SODOMITES] Persons who dedicated themselves to the impure rites which were observed in honour of certain deities in the neighbourhood of their temples.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 14:25

SHISHAK] see on 1 Kings 11:40. A list of towns taken by Shishak has been preserved in an inscription by the conqueror himself at Karnak in Egypt. Among them were Keilah, Socoh, Aijalon, Beth-horon. Gibeon and Makkedah in Judah, and Taanach, Shunem, and Mahanaim in N. Israel. The mention of Israelite... [ Continue Reading ]

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